

Dr. Doreen Helen Klassen, PWRDF, Western NLNews

A Light For Every Birth

For most parents-to-be, having light and electricity during their child’s birth is assumed, but for many in rural Mozambique giving birth in the dark is ...
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Sheila Boutcher, PWRDF, Central NewfoundlandJune 2021

PWRDF Achieves Multiple Goals in One Project

As the expression goes, “in a nutshell” the goal of PWRDF is to address poverty, gender injustice, and environmental exploitation through programs targeting food security, ...
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Mona EdwardsMay 2021

Praying With PWRDF

What started out as a way to stay connected during the pandemic quickly turned into a great opportunity to come together, albeit virtually, as a ...
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Archdeacon Charlene TaylorApril 2021

Easter, New Life, Creation Care, Climate Action

It is not by accident that Easter occurs in spring time. The resurrected Christ brings new life to the Christian, and spring reveals new life ...
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Farmers in Zimbabwe needed seed to recover from Cyclone Idai Photograph from PWRDF
Sheila Boutcher, PWRDF, Central NewfoundlandMarch 2021

Climate Change­­—Climate Action

You might be wondering why a church-based, development, humanitarian and relief organization such as PWRDF has taken up the cause of climate change. This is ...
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photo by PWRDF
Mona EdwardsFebruary 2021

International Development Week

International Development Week (IDW) is an annual initiative held during the first week of February (beginning in 1991) to engage Canadians on global issues. This ...
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Marion Delaronde with a puppet used to teach and preserve first nations language and culture
Archdeacon Charlene TaylorEastern Newfoundland and Labrador

Happy New Year—Another Year of Sharing PWRDF Stories

On behalf of the PWRDF Diocesan Representatives of Central Newfoundland, Eastern Newfoundland & Labrador, and Western Newfoundland, I would like to thank Emily Rowe our ...
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Anglican LifeNews

A Mountaintop Experience—News from PWRDF

This article will appear in the November issue of Anglican Life By Mona Edwards, PWRDF Representative, Diocese of Western Newfoundland As I write this, my ...
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Anglican LifeCentral Newfoundland

A Unique Way To Celebrate an Anniversary

From the upcoming December print issue of Anglican Life, this article by Sheila Boutcher: The Rev’d Jim Beaton and his wife Bernice celebrated their 50th ...
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Anglican LifeNews

PWRDF Event: a chance to learn more about the work of the Primate’s Fund

article by Archdeacon Charlene Taylor for the June issue of Anglican Life: The work of the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund depends on many ...
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