

The Rev’d Canon Debbie Pantin, PWRDF, Anglican East NLNews

Join the PWRDF Wild Ride While There’s Still Time!

The second annual PWRDF Wild Ride in support of work with refugees and internally-displaced persons in countries such as Tanzania, South Sudan, Jordan, and Ukraine, ...
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Dr. Doreen Helen Klassen, PWRDF, Western NLJune 2023

Learning From The Developing World Through PWRDF

In the early 1990s, while I was conducting research on women’s storytelling in Zimbabwe, a young man approached me in a village market, saying, “You ...
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Sheila Boutcher, PWRDF, Central NewfoundlandCentral Newfoundland

Emergency Relief

One of the motivating factors for the creation of PWRDF, back in 1959, was “emergency preparedness”… not in the sense of ensuring there are batteries ...
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Dr. Doreen Helen KlassenLocal News

ACW Touton Brunch: A PWRDF Fundraiser

It was a joyful occasion when the ACW of Corner Brook’s Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist was once again able to serve their ever ...
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The Rev’d Charlie CoxCentral Newfoundland

St. Alban’s ACW Hosts Rice Supper to Support the Work of PWRDF

After the Lenten service on March 8th, St. Alban’s (Parish of Grand Bank) Anglican Church Women (ACW) hosted a rice supper in the church’s auditorium. ...
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The Rev’d Canon Debbie Pantin, PWRDF, Anglican East NLApril 2023

Super Friends 10!

It’s a pleasure for me to be sharing PWRDF’s news in this, my first column as Diocesan Representative for Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador. The Primate’s ...
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Dr. Doreen Helen Klassen, PWRDF, Western NLMarch 2023

Women Farmers, Sustainable Agriculture, and The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund

Last summer, I planted some lettuce and chard on the balcony of my apartment, and enjoyed fresh lettuce on egg salad sandwiches and steamed chard ...
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Sheila Boutcher, PWRDF, Central NewfoundlandFebruary 2023

Maison Dorcas / City of Joy Project

In the Book of Acts, Dorcas was a woman of great charity who helped widows and may have even been a widow herself. In those ...
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Janice BiehnEastern Newfoundland and Labrador

PWRDF Mapping Exercise Trains Eastern Newfoundland Facilitator

Shortly after the historic apology by Primate Michael Peers in 1993 for the legacy of the Anglican Church’s involvement in residential schools, the Primate’s World ...
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Josephine Kizza, Director of St. Jude Family Projects, Uganda
Dr. Doreen Helen Klassen, PWRDF, Western NLDecember 2022

Hope For the Future

When Josephine Kizza Aliddeki started an organic farming project in Uganda, she named it St. Jude for the patron saint of hopeless causes. However, since ...
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