


Finding Hope Amidst Challenges

Once again in a recent conversation, someone brought up the article, published over 4 years ago, entitled “Gone by 2040.” It was about a report

Embracing Discipleship—A Timeless Call

Many years ago, when Church House was still situated at 600 Jarvis Street, the Stewardship and Financial Department of General Synod distributed a series of

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Let There Be Greening!

For the second time in history of our churches—the Anglican Church of Canada and the Evangelical Church in Canada—delegates will gather together for fellowship, worship,

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World Day of Prayer

Some of my clearest memories of childhood are around attending Church. Whenever a service was offered—Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer, Holy Communion—we were there. Of those

Week of Christian Unity­—Why Bother?

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, an initiative of the World Council of Churches, takes place each year from January 18-25, between the feats

people in front of the tapestry for Thursdays in Black

Thursdays In Black: Why it Matters

I first heard of wearing black on Thursdays when I was a partner from the Anglican Church of Canada to the National Church Council of

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Online Worship Is Real

We thought we would be open by Easter! When we shut down for the pandemic, we thought we’d be open again before long. We thought

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