St. Alban’s ACW Hosts Rice Supper to Support the Work of PWRDF

ACW Treasurer, Mary Keeping, makes a donation of $708 to the Rector, The Rev’d Charlie Cox, to be sent to PWRDF
The Rev'd Charlie Cox

After the Lenten service on March 8th, St. Alban’s (Parish of Grand Bank) Anglican Church Women (ACW) hosted a rice supper in the church’s auditorium. Most of the people who attended the worship service stayed to enjoy the great variety of rice dishes and desserts prepared by the women.

The Worship, Education and Mission Committee, under the direction of their chair Velma Stewart, planned and coordinated the supper.

A free will offering with matching funds from the ACW was donated to the Primate’s World Relief Development Fund in aid of the Turkey and Syria earthquake disaster. ACW President Shirley Rose explained it was a successful initiative.

“The ACW would like to thank everyone who supported the rice supper. It was a great evening of church, food and fellowship. We raised $354 and that was matched by the ACW. A great outreach project! Well done, everyone!” 

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