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The Rev’d Michael LiColumns

Primeval History

All sixty-six books of the Bible are God’s Word. Some people believe that Exodus, Isaiah, Matthew, John, and Romans are the five most important books ...
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Vision » Flourishing
Bishop John OrganColumns

Where There Is Vision, The People Flourish

It seems like only yesterday we were welcoming in 2020 and some happily saying goodbye, if not good riddance, to 2019. There will no doubt ...
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The Rev’d Irving Lettoarchives

A Moment In Time

Anglican Life welcomes The Rev’d Irving Letto as a regular contributor to the paper. As the archivist for the Diocese of Eastern Newfondland and Labrador, ...
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photo from by Laura Briedis
Emily RoweColumns

Valentine’s Day

An excerpt from the February 2018 editorial about Valentine by editor, Emily Rowe. We have a lovely bright warm spot in the middle of the ...
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Ronald ClarkeMelanie Clarke

Ron and Melanie Clarke’s Column for February

It is with sincere apologies that I publish the column from Ron and Melanie Clarke here online that was supposed to be in the February ...
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Ronald ClarkeColumns

Ronald Clarke on Thanksgiving

Long-time Anglican Life columnist Ronald Clarke was seriously ill last summer. In this excerpt from the upcoming October print issue, he talks about Thanksgiving, and ...
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