


Experiences With A “Dry February”

Following all the overindulgence associated with the festive Christmas season, I decided that I would do a “Dry February,” where I would consume no alcohol

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What Keeps Us Motivated?

Where does motivation come from? Are motivation and inspiration the same thing? How do we get it? Does it just happen to us when we

Clouds in Toluca, Mexico

Deep Questions

How did God make the sky? How was God made? Some pretty deep questions for a Monday morning, courtesy of my 9-year-old. My response: “It

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Mama, Why Do Bad Things Happen?

As a parent to younger children, I’ve fielded this question a fair few times. Most recently in the context of COVID-19, but also about things

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Struggling For The Connection

Well, the end of 2021 took an unexpected turn for all of us, didn’t it? Nearly locked down right before Christmas, back to online learning

Photo of Christmas stockings

Welcome Everyone Into The Story

I will admit I am not a mother who takes great joy in the magic and make believe side of holidays. I find it tiring

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