September 2023 Issue
The National Day For Truth and Reconciliation
September 30 marks the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. It is day that honours the children who never returned home and the survivors and ...

Written by
Canon Tom Mugford
Building the Future
The Anglican Parish of Burin recently began an after school Lego program entitled “Building the Future,” open to children and parents of all ages who ...

Written by
The Rev’d James Spencer
25th Anniversary of Men’s Service Club
St. Peter’s Men’s Service Club (Upper Gullies) proudly celebrated its 25th Anniversary on May 7 with a church service where the Ven. Ed Keeping delivered ...

Written by
The Rev’d Irving Letto
Deepening Relationships, Part II
In June’s issue of Anglican Life, Bishop Samuel Rose began a two-part article called “Deepening Relationships.” In this continuation, he delves again into our baptismal ...

Written by
Bishop Samuel Rose
Diocese of Central Newfoundland Holds 48th Diocesan Synod
From the 26th – 28th of May, 2023, the Diocese of Central Newfoundland held its 48th Diocesan Synod at St. Mary’s Parish in Clarenville. All ...

Writen by
The Ven. Terry Caines
Anglican Life (“The Churchman”)—Still In Print And In Need of Your Help
You may remember that back in 2019 there was a campaign to get everybody to confirm their subscriptions to Anglican Life and The Anglican Journal. ...

Writen by
Emily Rowe
Lost Sheep
When I was a teenager, I was a Sunday School teacher. Part of the curriculum was to teach the parable of the lost sheep. In ...

Writen by
Melanie Clarke
Mother’s Day at St. Andrew’s, Fogo
A beautiful parish service was held on Mother’s Day at St. Andrew’s church in Fogo. Rev’d Neal Buffett got Martin to help read the book ...

Writen by
Lisa Snow
Nora Shears ordained deacon Article and photograph by Karen Bennett On May 6, 2023, catechist Nora Shears was ordained as a deacon in the community ...

Writen by
Anglican Life
Fisherperson Blessing
Garnish is a fishing town which is located in Fortune Bay, NL. Lobster is the largest species fished in this area. Each day, nearly 70 ...

Writen by
Jessie Ann Marsh
The Assembly of General Synod: Both High Points and Low Moments
The Assembly and General Synod meetings have concluded. There were, as always, high points and low moments. During the times when we gathered as the ...

Writen by
The Rev’d Cynthia Haines-Turner
New Server in Port de Grave
St. Luke’s Church, and the Parish of Port de Grave, are so proud to welcome a new crucifer to our group of servers. Chloe Dawe, ...

Writen by
Florence Morgan-Thom
A Nap And A Snack
In 1 Kings 19, following Elijah’s confrontation with the prophets of Baal, he flees from Queen Jezebel, finding solace in the wilderness. Overwhelmed by despair ...

Writen by
The Rev'd Jonathan Rowe
End of Year Fellowship For Grand Bay ACW
The ACW of St. Paul’s Church in Grand Bay, after a successful year, had their last meeting before the summer on Wednesday, May 10. Before ...

Writen by
Eileen Keeping
Fifteen Confirmed in Foxtrap
Fifteen confirmation candidates gathered for a luncheon and rehearsal on May 6, 2023. They were fortunate that the Bishop could join them and spend time ...

Writen by
Sandra Taylor
Recreating the Many Spring Activities
There is a saying that, “from the chorus of minds comes a reflective voice.” As I sat under an umbrella on the patio, with laptop ...

Writen by
Louise Smith
Octogenarians Taking Part in Isle Aux Morts
On Sunday, May 21st, Holy Spirit Church in Isle aux Morts held a beautiful service in which three octogenarians were front and centre. Deacon Herb ...

Writen by
Karen Simon
Home Away Fom Home: Bishop Jones Hostel
The Bishop Jones Hostel operated on 55 Rennies Mill Road, in St. John’s, from 1930 until the mid 1960s. It provided accommodations to 1359 Newfoundland ...

Writen by
Verna Bishop Smith and Marge Brown
Reasonable and Probable Grounds to Believe
None of us have much to say about how we are born. It happens. The love and nurturing of our parents provide a foundation on ...

Writen by
Ford Matchim
The Call of Abraham
Terah had three sons: Abram, Nahor, and Haran (Genesis 11:26). Abram was probably born in Ur (near present day Basra in Iraq). He married Sarai ...

Writen by
The Rev’d Michael Li
Our Girls’ Groups at St. Lawrence, Portugal Cove
St. Lawrence Parish in Portugal Cove is proud to boast 4 girls’ groups, ranging from ages 5 – 18. They start with Sunbeams, then on ...

Writen by
Ruth Bugden and Jocelyn Miller
Join the PWRDF Wild Ride While There’s Still Time!
The second annual PWRDF Wild Ride in support of work with refugees and internally-displaced persons in countries such as Tanzania, South Sudan, Jordan, and Ukraine, ...

Writen by
The Rev’d Canon Debbie Pantin, Alongside Hope/PWRDF, Anglican East NL
Mother’s Day Celebrated in Isle Aux Morts
On Sunday, May 14, St. Augustine’s Church, celebrated Mother’s Day. The ACW presented woman in the church with carnations. It was a lovely service with ...

Writen by
Karen Simon
St. Alban’s Anglican Church in Grand Bank Celebrates 70th Anniversary
The weekend of June 16-18 will be remembered by the congregation of St. Alban’s Anglican Church in Grand Bank for years to come. The occasion ...

Writen by
The Rev’d Charlie Cox
The Spirituality of Walking
I walk a lot—at least an hour daily. I grew up at a time when most of us walked everywhere. When I acquired a car, ...

Writen by
The Rev’d Everett Hobbs
Island Service With Two Baptisms
An Island Service was held on July 30 at Church of Holy Spirit, Fogo. The Rev’d Neal Buffet and the Rev’d Beverly Buffet performed two ...

Writen by
Lisa Snow