Building the Future

James Spencer

Parish of Burin’s Lego program

The Anglican Parish of Burin recently began an after school Lego program entitled “Building the Future,” open to children and parents of all ages who have a passion for Lego creations. The program has been running twice a week at each of its two locations, Holy Trinity church in Burin and St. Matthew’s church in St. Lawrence. The response to this new community outreach program has been incredible, with up to 24 children in attendance on a given day. The participants enjoy individual creativity, Lego trains and roller coasters, and even programmable robotic constructions.

The program was conceived by Rev’d James Spencer, with the support of the parish council and vestries of the Parish of Burin, as a means of providing fun and educational activities for the young people of the local communities. The funding was provided through a generous grant from United Way NL, without whom the project would not have been possible to accomplish at this level.

Rev’d James says of the project: “God invites us all to be active, positive participants in his continuing creation. Through the “Building the Future” project we are hoping to inspire our youth and help them grow into creative adults whose brilliant minds will do wonders in our communities and in the wide world.”

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