New Server in Port de Grave

Left to right: Karen Dawe, eucharist assistant; Fr. Paul Thoms, parish priest; Chloe Dawe, our new crucifer; Florence Morgan-Thom, eucharist assistant; Marjorie Tucker, one of our choir members
Florence Morgan-Thom

St. Luke’s Church, and the Parish of Port de Grave, are so proud to welcome a new crucifer to our group of servers. Chloe Dawe, our youngest youth has joined our small group.

How fast time goes! We all remember her as  baby in her parents’ arms sitting near the entrance. We watched her grow up, colouring books and playing with dolls—especially the dolls, which were like little babies to her. She treated them with such loving tender care, as a precious gift to protect and love.

Her presence in church along with her excellent behaviour has been a good example to other youth, and a proud reward for her parents. Her younger brother sat beside her with decorum. He too may one day choose to join our  servers in our beautiful service.

The years have rolled (or rather flown) by, and Chloe has reached the tender age of a teenager. Still the sweet caring, loving girl she has always been. What a joy for her whole family. 

We welcome her with open arms, grateful hearts, and good wishes in her new duties to the church and God.

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