Recreating the Many Spring Activities

Sharon Smith and Pauline Noel

St. John the Evangelist, Topsail

There is a saying that, “from the chorus of minds comes a reflective voice.” As I sat under an umbrella on the patio, with laptop in hand, recreating the last few months at St. John the Evangelist, my thoughts somehow parallel that expression.

I commenced on May 13, when the parish hall was all aglow with preparations for our traditional spring flea market fundraiser. It was well attended and quite successful due to the generosity and participation of our church family.

Immediately following, on May 14, members of our congregation shared their time between celebrating Mother’s Day and supporting our Rev’d Jotie Noel as he was installed as the Canon for Creation Care and Stewardship at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist.

Two days later, on the 16th, as a minor reprieve, the ACW, the altar guild, the choir, Rev’d Jotie and his wife Pauline all relaxed in fellowship at Shenanigans, where we enjoyed a delicious dinner.

With batteries charged, and after weeks of confirmation preparations, two candidates from our parish family received the laying on of hands by Bishop Sam Rose, under the supervision of Rev’d Jotie.

One week later, on May 28, which was Pentecost Sunday, Bishop Sam gave us permission to lift the restrictions on the common cup and on the waters of baptism, and return to the common cup. While not all parishioners complied, they were assured that just the bread was adequate for communion.

Maybe one of the most significant events that our church had the privilege of celebrating this year was the 70th wedding anniversary of Audrey and Cliff Petten. Audrey is a lifetime member St. John the Evangelist, and Cliff for the 70 years of their marriage. Over 100 family members and friends attended to congratulate them on their remarkable milestone. Lunch and fellowship were enjoyed by all.

Our cemetery was a sight to be proud of on July 19 when we had the privilege of having an open air flower service. Throughout the evening, the blazing sun lit up and captivated the brilliant landscape of flowers that enveloped each beloved memorial site.

As I write this article, we are preparing for and looking forward to catering our town’s 50th anniversary on August 9. And by the time that this goes to print, and for the next few months, our concentration will focus primarily on worship and thanksgiving, before preparing for our traditional, busy fall.

“In all labour there is profit; 

But idle chatter leads to poverty.”

Proverbs 14: 23

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