

The Rev'd Canon Amber TremblettApril 2024

A New Life Begins: The Ordination of Rowena Payne

On Sunday, February 25th, the Archdeaconry of Labrador celebrated the ordination of Rev’d Rowena Payne to the Sacred Order of the Priesthood. The ordination was ...
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Bishop John WattonApril 2024

Come: Rediscover New Heights of Love and Hope

As you read this you will be reflecting from your perspective of having passed through one more Lenten season.  For many, Lent still has some ...
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Ford MatchimColumns

Reasonable and Probable Grounds to Believe

“Obey your leaders…for they are keeping watch…and will give an account.” Hebrews 13:17. As it pertains to government services in our time and place, giving ...
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Emily F. RoweColumns

St. Cuthbert the Environmentalist

On March 20th, the Church remembers St. Cuthbert, who died on that day in the year 687. A much loved English saint, Cuthbert left a ...
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The Rev’d Cynthia Haines-TurnerColumns

Finding Hope Amidst Challenges

Once again in a recent conversation, someone brought up the article, published over 4 years ago, entitled “Gone by 2040.” It was about a report ...
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Melanie ClarkeColumns

Being Tested

We are now in the middle of Lent. For forty days and forty nights, Jesus Christ was tempted in the desert by the devil. As ...
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The Rev'd Jonathan RoweColumns

Hiding in The Darkness

The Gospel lessons for Lent show us signs of resistance and opposition to Jesus and his teaching, but this year there is an extra element ...
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Bishop John WattonCentral Newfoundland

Empowering Ministry and Discipleship

Through the past seven years in the Diocese of Central Newfoundland, there has been a steady and diverse flow of courses offered to all who ...
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Melanie ClarkeColumns

By God’s Grace

We are living in turbulent times. Our society seems to be full of crime, poor decisions, and a general lack of concern for our fellow ...
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Ford MatchimColumns

Reasonable and Probable Grounds to Believe

Our daily hustle and bustle leaves little time or energy to ponder and question issues beyond our immediate concerns of the here and now. And ...
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