It’s Not Only About Christmas

By Debra Gill, Alongside Hope/PWRDF Representative, Diocese of Central Newfoundland

The PWRDF World of Gifts is not only for Christmas. How often do you say, “What do you get for someone who has everything”? Why not consider a gift that would make a world of difference to someone else on their behalf. 

Does your parish ever consider doing outreach ministry? Why not consider using the World of Gifts as a way to do outreach in the wider world?

Here are a few suggestions:

Clean water for communities in Kenya. Kenya is experiencing the worst drought in 40 years. PWRDF has been supporting Utooni Development Organization for three years to improve access to clean and safe water and is continuing this support for another three years. $100 will help fund a 10,000-litre water tank for a family or villagers managing a tree nursery. $2500 will build a well with a hand pump. $3000 will build a well with a solar-powered pump. 

How about supporting Indigenous health programs aimed at healing intergenerational trauma, youth suicide prevention, COVID-19 response, culture and language preservation, traditional environmental protection, teaching indigenous knowledge practices and sharing about indigenous food and medicinal plants? How about training Indigenous midwife apprentices in Mexico or Peru?

Then there’s always providing animals for people, such as donkeys, goats, rabbits, bees, or chickens. 

So many people are hungry. Why not consider supporting PWRDF’s membership in the Canadian Foodgrains Bank which supported food relief work in Pakistan, Kenya, Haiti and more over the past year? Through the Government of Canada, these donations are matched up to four times. 

The list is endless and the possibilities are limitless. 

As PWRDF staff like to say “the gift guide is evergreen.”

Gifts range from $25.00 to $3000.00. If you or your church would like to know more about the Gift Guide you can see it in detail on the PWRDF website or you can call them at 1-877-936-9199, or if you have a copy of the World of Gifts you can mail your order form to 80 Hayden Street, Toronto, ON M4Y 3G2

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