The Parish of the Living Water, which is made up of the Anglican churches of Badger’s Quay, Newtown, and Greenspond, is very proud to have four young, caring individuals this year who are preparing for confirmation. They are Jamie Lee Attwood, Mark Burry, Jayda Goodyear, and Jared Kean. The group meets weekly for their confirmation preparation sessions under the direction and support of Rev’d Renee Easton, rector of the parish. Parents alternate attendance weekly to support the group in their learning.

Back Row: Martha Sheppard, Jayda Goodyear, Jo-Ann Attwood, Marilyn Howell, Rev’d Renee Easton, and Jamie Lee Attwood
Preparation sessions focus on various topics and concepts including holy baptism, belonging, church family, the Holy Eucharist, symbols of the church, types of prayer, and the Bible (of course). Confirmands are asked to take part in various roles or duties during church services such as reading from the scripture, the offertory, handing out prayer books and bulletins, singing, and lighting the candles. During this Christmas season, with support from their church family, the confirmands beautifully reenacted the nativity scene.
In addition to their studies, Rev’d Renee asked confirmands to take part in two outreach projects. One project would focus on raising money to support an organization, which they will be working on for their remaining sessions. The second project was for a local outreach of their choosing. After discussing ways that they could share resources within their community, all confirmands agreed to support their local food bank by organizing a food drive.
Confirmands worked together to create posters and design collection boxes for the items they collected. Pearson Academy, the local Grade K-12 school, supported the confirmands’ project from the very beginning.

Vice Principal Natascha Burry, and Secretary Sheryl Burry, helped the confirmands to prepare their own message, which was then recorded and sent out to approximately 120 families via telephone and email. Parents were given two dates when they could send along non-perishable food items with their children, and all donations were collected in the front lobby. Announcements were also made in church services leading up to the deadline, and with the support of both their church and school families, the confirmands were very successful in their stewardship outreach project.
All food bank items were blessed on December 23rd, 2021, and the confirmands and their parents delivered all donations to the Salvation Army, which is where the local food bank is housed. David Crocker, representing the Salvation Army, accepted the food bank donation.
There are many families and individuals who struggle with food insecurities every day, more especially during the holiday season, and the local food bank helps to provide for their basic need. The Parish of the Living Water confirmands were very proud of their project success, as were all who supported them, and we are certain that those who receive help will be truly grateful for their efforts as well. We are reminded in Proverbs 19:17 that God will reward those who are compassionate to the less fortunate: “Those who are gracious to the poor lend to the Lord, and the Lord will fully repay them.”