One Day At A Time

Anglican Life Logo

In our cycle of life, we welcome individually all the four seasons of the year in their turn—spring, summer, fall, and winter. Each distinct portion bears particular characteristics relative to respective activities, and dependent on the passage of the sun to and from equinox and solstice.

Here at St. John the Evangelist church in Topsail, prior to March 2020 and the coronavirus, we celebrated each red letter day on the church calendar, symbolizing special biblical events occurring throughout the four seasons. Then after participating in the liturgy of each service, the congregation, together with the priest, always gathered for fellowship. Often it was for a cup of tea in the basement, served by the ladies of the ACW. Sometimes, was for a three-course meal, prepared by the men of our parish.

For the past two years, however, that coming together with members of our church family has been greatly missed due to the risks of COVID-19. As we now approach the spring season, we are reminded that this month of March, two years ago, marked our first experience with intermittent isolation, and consequent restrictions on those meetings of collaborative fellowship.

But, thanks to present day technology, our clergy, the Rev’d Jotie Noel and Deacon Lisa Cox, are doing a tremendous job to accommodate the congregation with Sunday morning services and special events, virtually.

Hopefully, this omicron variant wave will the be the one to end this virus. But needless to say, there is one important lesson that I, and I’m sure many others, have learned during this trying time, and it is that the two year long wait, and the associated anxiety, have played a major role in strengthening our faith and resolve in this unsettled world, ravished by a deadly virus.

“Remembering before our God and Father your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.” Thessalonians 1:3

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