
Local News

Easter breakfast 2022 Grand Bank
The Rev’d Charlie CoxCentral Newfoundland

Resurrection Sunday at St. Alban’s

Our Easter celebrations at St. Alban’s Church in Grand Bank began with a celebration of the Holy Eucharist at 7am followed by a (well attended) ...
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Isle aux Morts Paint Night 2022
Karen SimonJune 2022

Paint Night

During Lent in the Parish of Isle aux Morts this year, the Rev’d Ed Coleman facilitated Bible study and meditation sessions on a weekly basis ...
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Confirmation at the Parish of the Epiphany 2022
The Ven Eli EvansEastern Newfoundland and Labrador

An Episcopal Visit to The Parish of The Epiphany

On March 27th, the Parish of the Epiphany with our Bishop, Samuel Rose, celebrated the sacrament of Confirmation with four confirmands, and also had two ...
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Church building Bishop's Falls
Doug TuckerCentral Newfoundland

100 Years of Faith and Worship–St. Andrew’s Church, Bishop’s Falls

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the Town of Bishop’s Falls came into being. The establishment of the G. A. Reid Groundwood Pulp Mill ...
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Deborah Pantin ordination to the priesthood
Anglican LifeEastern Newfoundland and Labrador

The Rev’d Deborah Pantin Ordained Priest

On March 25th, the Rev’d Deborah Pantin was ordained a priest by Bishop Samuel Rose in All Saints’ Church in Dildo. Following the ordination, a ...
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Ordination to the priesthood of the Rev'd Amber Tremblett
Anglican LifeEastern Newfoundland and Labrador

The Rev’d Amber Tremblett Ordained Priest

On March 31st, the Rev’d Amber Tremblett was ordained a priest by Bishop Samuel Rose in her home parish of Lewisporte. As Lewisporte is in ...
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The Rev'd J. Noel at the Church of St. John the Evangelist, Topsail
Louise SmithEastern Newfoundland and Labrador

The Imposition of Ashes

This year, Shrove Tuesday fell on March 1st, and as is the annual customary practice, our ACW ladies organized and prepared a take out supper ...
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Anglican Life Logo
Lisa BrownLocal News

Port Aux Basques News

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Candles in the catrhedral
Anglican LifeEastern Newfoundland and Labrador

Cathedral of St. John the Baptist Contemplative Service for Lent

…and that is true of this photograph. It was taken by Ellen Reid at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in St. John’s on ...
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Group of ACW members Summerside 2022-23
Willie LoderLocal News

New ACW Officers Installed in Summerside

This photograph is from the 11 am service on Sunday, March 27th, 2022. Left to right are: Willlie Loder, President; Ann Penney, Vice President; Shelley ...
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