Revisiting the Many Activities Leading Up To Christmas 2022

Six ladies from St. John the Evangelist with their 26 baskets of Christmas goodies
Sharon Smith

There is a saying that says: “From The Chorus of Minds Comes a Reflective Voice.”

As I relax after dismantling the Christmas tree, with the iPad on my lap recreating the last few, rewarding, but hectic months at St. John the Evangelist, my thoughts, somehow parallel that expression.

With the fear of COVID-19 subsiding, we have further broadened our parameters this fall and Christmas with regards to reviving certain activities and reaching out akin to pre-pandemic times.

While wearing a mask is no longer mandatory, we have chosen their retention in church while singing, receiving communion, or leaving the building—a three year habit isn’t broken overnight.

Our ACW group met on September 13th, 2022, after a five-month hiatus, fresh to participate in our outreach to former members who are now living in various retirement homes.

At subsequent bi-weekly meetings up to December 6th, the focus was in large part to work in unison with the fundraising committee in preparing a lasagna dinner on October 1st, a flea market on October 22nd, a fall fair on November 12th, and the twelfth anniversary of our traditional Holly Tea on December 10th.

On November 8th, each member of our team donated items of warm clothing which were subsequently delivered to the Gathering Place.

I’d have to say, though, that the highlight of our Christmas preparation at church occurred on Friday, December 16th. It was on that day that six of us (Sharon, Maud, Betty, Louise, Shirley, and Stephanie) joyfully put together 26 baskets of Christmas goodies. We each took separate routes and enjoyed a very pleasant afternoon visiting and having a lovely chat with some gracious ladies and gentlemen at the various homes, who were so very appreciative of our gesture. It certainly compensated for our effort in its preparation.

At this juncture, I must digress momentarily. In my February article for Anglican Life, I spoke very highly of the five guest priests who accommodated us in our time of need before we welcomed Rev’d Jotie into our lives.

Well what I inadvertently omitted from the announcement was that Rev’d Greg Mercer is still very much a part of our church family.

With his special gift of music, he has graced us with the opportunity to participate in a special ukulele class which he is directing in our church, and is growing exponentially—much appreciated.

Rev’d Mercer and the ukulele group

Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands.
Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing.
Psalm 100

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