June 2024 Issue
Blessing the Fleet in Garnish
The Town of Garnish is nestled on the southern shoreline of Fortune Bay. Within the town, there are many who rely on the sea for ...

Written by
Jessie Ann Marsh
The World Day of Prayer in Burgeo
This year’s World Day of Prayer service was based on a program written by the World Day of Prayer Committee of Palestine, and was prepared ...

Written by
Deacon Brenda Strickland
Reasonable and Probable Grounds to Believe
On the above series—Reasonable and Probable Grounds to Believe—this will be my 24th and final column. As a summary on the series, I provide new ...

Written by
Ford Matchim
Living Love: Discipleship in Following Jesus
What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus Christ? At the most basic level it means believing he is the incarnate God, the ...

Written by
Bishop John Organ
Between the Lessons: My 8-Year Faith Exploration
Eight years. It feels like yesterday that I was pitching my wife this crazy idea for a column. I was going to call it “Between ...

Writen by
The Rev'd Jonathan Rowe
ACW Volunteers in Summerside/Irishtown
The photograhph at the top of this page shows representatives from the St Paul’s ACW receiving an award for volunteering in the town of Summerside/Irishtown.

Writen by
The Rev’d George Critchell
St Patrick’s Day Potluck in Rocky Harbour
More than 60 people attended the St. Matthew’s (Rocky Harbour) annual St. Patrick’s Day pot luck supper of stews, soups, and other dishes. There were ...

Writen by
Dale Decker
Easter at Holy Trinity, Codroy
On Saturday, March 29th, 2024, Holy Trinity Church in Codroy hosted an Easter party for the children in the community. It was a fun afternoon, ...

Writen by
Linda Kendell
Integration and Fellowship
It is a truism that there are times when an air of apprehension envelops us in our midst. But at the same time, a more ...

Writen by
Louise Smith
A Reflection on You Are Leaven
From April 19-22, I, along with my fellow mission canons, attended You are Leaven: Fermenting Cultures of Spiritual Formation, a conference sponsored by the General ...

Writen by
The Rev'd Amber Tremblett
Centennial Celebrations at St. Michael and All Angels’, Creston
What a year 2023 was for the congregation of St. Michael and All Angels’, Creston, in the Parish of Marystown! It was the centennial anniversary ...

Writen by
The Rev'd Jeffrey Blackwood
Rev’d Owen and Glenys Holwell
Sunday April 28th, a parish service was held at St. Paul’s, Lewisporte, to mark the occasion of the retirement of The Rev’d Owen Holwell from ...

Writen by
The Rev’d Hannah Dicks
Meadows Hosts Successful Dinner Theatre
St Paul’s church in the parish of Meadows recently had a capacity filled dinner theatre during which our ACW members, and others, provided excellent entertainment.

Writen by
The Rev’d George Critchell
Summer Church: Advice From A Priest With Many Hats
If you ever see me walking around in my parish, particularly on days when it’s not too windy, you’ll likely be able to recognize me ...

Writen by
The Rev’d James Spencer
Engaging With Canadians
To work towards its vision of a truly just, healthy, and peaceful world, the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund, and all similar humanitarian agencies, ...

Writen by
The Rev’d Canon Debbie Pantin, Alongside Hope/PWRDF, Anglican East NL
Confirmation class raises money for school breakfast program, giving to the community, and taking care of their neighbours
The Parish of Plum Point Confirmation Class 2023-2024 are seen here presenting a cheque to the breakfast program of the Viking Trail Academy in the ...

Writen by
The Rev'd Terrance Coates
Every Newfoundlander and Labradorian looks forward to spring after a long dreary winter. For months we have been locked in the grip of winter snow, ...

Writen by
Melanie Clarke
Palm Sunday Outreach
The Sunday School of St. Mary’s Parish in Clarenville decided to do something a little different for Palm Sunday this year. The kids and leaders ...

Writen by
The Rev’d James Spencer
The Vine and The Branches—African Violet Style
One of my earliest memories of childhood goes back to 1988. Often, we would go to Aunt Lizzie’s. Aunt Lizzie was the matriarch of the ...

Writen by
The Rev'd Canon Jeffrey Petten
Cathedral of St. John the Baptist’s Labyrinth
Walking a labyrinth offers opportunities for inner reflection and spiritual connection. It can be used for meditation, guidance seeking, and creativity enhancement. It helps to ...

Writen by
Laura Cowan
Thank you to two columnists who are leaving Anglican Life
When I wrote a column for the May issue of Anglican Life, I thought that it would be my last one before the summer break, ...

Writen by
Emily Rowe