The World Day of Prayer in Burgeo

Deacon Brenda Strickland
First row: Marg Hann,
Second row: Joyce  Green,Mae Lushman, June Anderson, Doris MacDonald
Third row: The Rev’d Elsie Rose, Juanita Hatcher, Hilda Baggs, Geraldine Skinner, Ruth Spencer, Dianne Ingram

This year’s World Day of Prayer service was based on a program written by the World Day of Prayer Committee of Palestine, and was prepared and adapted for use in Canada by the Women’s Inter-Church Council of Canada. The theme was, “I Beg You… Bear With One Another in Love,” and was based on Ephesians 4:1-7.

Our church service was produced through the collaboration of three faith-based organizations of Burgeo, NL: St. John the Evangelist Church (which hosted the event), Faith United Church, and the Roman Catholic Church.

We were grateful for the participation of volunteers and attendees. Thank you to all who helped with the set up, brought food, (that was enjoyed by all following the service), presided, presented, and mingled.

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