January 2024 Issue

Third Annual Quilt, Hooked Rug, and Stitching Show Held

Serving The Community With Heart and Action

Outreach is a priority of the St. Lawrence Parish ACW in Portugal Cove. During Easter, we provide gift bags filled with personal care items and ...

The Right Rev’d Martin Mate 1929-2023

Bishop Martin Mate was a dedicated figure in the Anglican Church. He passed away at the age of 95 on November 28, 2023. Preceded by ...

Overturning Tables

Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the ...

Fall Sale and Hymn Sing, St. Paul’s Grand Bay

St. Paul’s (Grand Bay) ACW held their annual fall sale on November 4th. It was a great success and they would like to thank everyone ...

Meant For Good

The Bible tells us that God is in control of all of life’s circumstances. If God is not in complete control, then who/what is? Karl ...

125th Anniversary of ACW Celebrated in Port Aux Basques

On Wednesday, November 1st, 2023, the ACW of St. James’ Church in Port aux Basques celebrated their 125th Anniversary. The morning started with a church ...

2024 Begins!

January in Newfoundland and Labrador doesn’t usually bring much joy to those of us who live here. It’s the darkest, snowiest, windiest, and coldest time ...

An Unexpected Divine Encounter

On January 25th, the Church remembers the conversion of St. Paul. Unless we go to a church named for St. Paul, many of us might ...

It’s Not Only About Christmas

The PWRDF World of Gifts is not only for Christmas. How often do you say, “What do you get for someone who has everything”? Why ...

Reasonable and Probable Grounds to Believe

Scripture writings are numerous on the importance of courage: against great foes (Judges 7:7-23); against great odds (1Samuel 17:32,50); when threatened (Daniel 3:16-18); when intimidated ...

The Reverence Trap: Dangerous Vocations

In previous columns, I’ve highlighted the challenges faced by clergy, especially amidst the COVID-19 pandemic’s initial lockdowns. I’ve shared personal strategies for maintaining mental health ...

Embracing the Light in The Darkness: Epiphany and The Radiance of Hope

I don’t think it’s a coincidence that in the darkest days of the year, we celebrate light. On the feast of Epiphany, we hear “Arise, ...

Thousands of Visitors at Corner Brook’s Anglican Cathedral

They came from Florida, New Zealand, the Philippines, and “near Vienna.” Sometimes a mere handful, and sometimes literally thousands! All were visitors brought to Corner ...

Worshiping God Physically and Spiritually

Hanging prominently on my kitchen wall is a very large calendar. Each block or date has four lines, most of which are filled with reminders ...

Stephenville Choir Raises Funds for Musuem

The choir of St. Augustine’s Church in Stephenville was asked to perform at Our Lady of Mercy Heritage Church. They sang a number of selections ...
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