April 2024 Issue
Come: Rediscover New Heights of Love and Hope
As you read this you will be reflecting from your perspective of having passed through one more Lenten season. For many, Lent still has some ...

Written by
Bishop John Watton
The Rev’d Rowena Payne Ordained to the Priesthood
The above three photographs are: a group shot from the ordination of The Rev’d Rowena Payne, Rev’d Rowena cutting her cake, and Bishop Rose with ...

Written by
Anglican Life
A New Life Begins: The Ordination of Rowena Payne
On Sunday, February 25th, the Archdeaconry of Labrador celebrated the ordination of Rev’d Rowena Payne to the Sacred Order of the Priesthood. The ordination was ...

Written by
The Rev'd Amber Tremblett
Forgiveness and Service
I have long said that the Gospel at my funeral will be from the 21st chapter of John’s Gospel, if only because that would probably ...

Written by
The Rev'd Jonathan Rowe
Embracing Easter: A Celebration of Renewal, Abundance, and Everlasting Life
Easter is the gift of renewal, abundance life here, and, amazingly, everlasting life hereafter! This is all God’s doing! Creatures and creation are God’s own ...

Writen by
Bishop John Organ
The Promise of Easter: Reflections on Commitment, Challenges, and Eternal Assurance
Throughout my life, when I said the word “promise,” I meant it. As a young child, I remember being in Brownies and promising to “do ...

Writen by
Melanie Clarke
New ACW Installed in Meadows
Above are two photographs are from the installation of ACW officers in the parish of Meadows for 2024.

Writen by
The Rev’d George Critchell
Puppet Show in Port aux Basques
On January 28th, St. James’ Church in Port aux Basques had a puppet show with our favourite puppets, Creamsicle and Chickpea. The puppets explained to ...

Writen by
Lisa Brown
Where in the World?
Ever wonder where in the world PWRDF does its work, or how they distribute their donations? The map above shows, at a glance, where projects ...

Writen by
Debra Gill, Alongside Hope/PWRDF Representative, Diocese of Central Newfoundland
Salmon Fishing and Youth Ministry—Casting Lines To Better Engage the Next Generations
Last summer I tried salmon fishing again. It had been years since my last time, mostly because of my extreme level of failure at the ...

Writen by
The Rev’d James Spencer
Reasonable and Probable Grounds to Believe
Social media is awash with information on intelligence: Rational intelligence (IQ)—what I think; Emotional intelligence (EQ)—what I feel; and Spiritual intelligence (SQ)—what I am. Spiritual ...

Writen by
Ford Matchim
The Christingle Service
As I sit at my laptop, and gaze at the church calendar in front of me on the wall, I’m reminded of the Red Letter ...

Writen by
Louise Smith
Emptiness is Fullness
Alleluia! We are in the Easter Season! One of the things that is tugging at my heart this year, this Easter, is the fullness of ...

Writen by
The Rev'd Canon Jeffrey Petten
Port aux Basques Pancake Supper
On February 13th, the ACW of St. James’ Church in Port aux Basques had a pancake supper, meeting, and fellowship. A great meal, meeting and a ...

Writen by
Lisa Brown