
March 2021

Anglican LifeEastern Newfoundland and Labrador

From St. Peter’s, Cartwright, Labrador

For the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic shut down our churches, the congregation of St. Peter’s, Cartwright, Labrador, gathered on Sunday the 17th of ...
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The Rev’d Michael LiColumns

How Did God Create The Cosmos?

Before creation, there was no time. There was no space. Christians believe that the universe has been brought into existence by an orderly and personal God. God did ...
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Anglican LifeMarch 2021

Letters To The Editor

Dear Editor, I am a lifetime Anglican, and I agree with Dr. Morgan’s view on “Duplication.” During the war years in Gander, we shared a ...
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The Very Rev'd Catherine ShortLocal News

The “Open Door”

Since April 28th, 2014 a hot meal has been offered weekly by Open Door, an outreach ministry offered by the parishes of the Humber Deanery ...
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Ronald ClarkeMelanie Clarke

Looking Back

Looking back over the 90 years of my life, I realize I have a lot of gratitude towards those whom I have encountered in my ...
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Photo by Mark Timberlake on
Bishop Samuel RoseEastern Newfoundland and Labrador

It’s Friday Now, But Sunday’s Coming!

Now that the Lenten season is once again upon us, some of you might be thinking (especially during this pandemic), “Do we really need to ...
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Canon Paulette BudgenMarch 2021

Where Are We As Followers of Jesus?

To say this has been a difficult year for the church as we have known it, is a huge understatement. Change was forced upon the ...
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