
June 2024

The Rev'd Jeffrey BlackwoodJudy Hotton

Centennial Celebrations at St. Michael and All Angels’, Creston

What a year 2023 was for the congregation of St. Michael and All Angels’, Creston, in the Parish of Marystown! It was the centennial anniversary ...
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The Rev'd Canon Amber TremblettColumns

A Reflection on You Are Leaven

From April 19-22, I, along with my fellow mission canons, attended You are Leaven: Fermenting Cultures of Spiritual Formation, a conference sponsored by the General ...
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Louise SmithEastern Newfoundland and Labrador

Integration and Fellowship

It is a truism that there are times when an air of apprehension envelops us in our midst. But at the same time, a more ...
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Linda KendellJune 2024

Easter at Holy Trinity, Codroy

On Saturday, March 29th, 2024, Holy Trinity Church in Codroy hosted an Easter party for the children in the community. It was a fun afternoon, ...
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Dale DeckerJune 2024

St Patrick’s Day Potluck in Rocky Harbour

More than 60 people attended the St. Matthew’s (Rocky Harbour) annual St. Patrick’s Day pot luck supper of stews, soups, and other dishes. There were ...
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The Rev’d George CritchellJune 2024

ACW Volunteers in Summerside/Irishtown

The photograhph at the top of this page shows representatives from the St Paul’s ACW receiving an award for volunteering in the town of Summerside/Irishtown.
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The Rev'd Jonathan RoweColumns

Between the Lessons: My 8-Year Faith Exploration

Eight years. It feels like yesterday that I was pitching my wife this crazy idea for a column. I was going to call it “Between ...
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Bishop John OrganJune 2024

Living Love: Discipleship in Following Jesus

What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus Christ? At the most basic level it means believing he is the incarnate God, the ...
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Ford MatchimColumns

Reasonable and Probable Grounds to Believe

On the above series—Reasonable and Probable Grounds to Believe—this will be my 24th and final column. As a summary on the series, I provide new ...
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Deacon Brenda StricklandJune 2024

The World Day of Prayer in Burgeo

This year’s World Day of Prayer service was based on a program written by the World Day of Prayer Committee of Palestine, and was prepared ...
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