
Central Newfoundland

Anglican LifeThe Ven. Terry Caines

Newfoundland and Labrador Ordinations

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Anglican LifeThe Rev’d Dr. Joanne Mercer

Queen’s College 2023 Appeal–Growing in Faith

We are very thankful to Jon-Michael Windsor for permission to use his artwork The Tree for our Queen’s College Appeal 2023. The work is the perfect ...
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Carl RoseCentral Newfoundland

Special Presentations at St. Alban’s Anglican Church, Grand Bank

The Rev’d Charlie Cox ended the second Sunday in Advent service at St. Alban’s in Grand Bank with presentations to two members of the congregation. ...
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The Rev’d Daphne ParsonsCentral Newfoundland

Diocese of Central Newfoundland’s Women’s Weekend, 2022

The Annual Diocesan Women’s Weekend was held in the Diocese of Central Newfoundland from September 16-18, 2022. A total of 57 ladies took part in ...
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Eileen KeepingCentral Newfoundland

News From The Parish of Grand Bay

COLD PLATE TAKE OUT SUPPER The women of St. Paul’s Anglican Church of Grand Bay Parish held their annual fall sale on November 5th, which ...
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quotation and photo of bishop
Bishop John WattonCentral Newfoundland


Prior to attending the Lambeth conference this year, one of the many books I read in preparation was “Walking Together, Global Perspectives on Reconciliation,” published ...
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The Rev’d Beverly BuffettCentral Newfoundland

Fogo Island Outreach Mission

The Rev’d Neal Buffett spearheaded a mission project for the parishes of Fogo Island East and Fogo Island West. After Hurricane Fiona’s destruction, he announced ...
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The Rev’d James SpencerCentral Newfoundland

Licensed Lay Ministers and Eucharistic Assistants’ Conference

The Diocese of Central Newfoundland held a Licensed Lay Ministers and Eucharistic Assistants Conference, at Lion Max Simms Camp, on the weekend of October 14-16. ...
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The Rev’d Dr. Joanne MercerCentral Newfoundland

Kathy and Dr. John Sheldon—The Kind of People You Want to Be When You Grow Up

On Sunday October 16th, the Parishes of Gander Bay and Twillingate held a joint service to give thanks for the ministry of Kathy and Dr. ...
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manger and illuminated cross
Bishop John WattonCentral Newfoundland

Bishop John Watton’s Christmas Message

Many pieces of scripture other than the narrative of Jesus birth speak to me. One of the most powerful scriptures in my heart is from ...
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