Help For Humanitarian Crises

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As a member of the Canadian Foodgrains Bank, PWRDF is participating in the Humanitarian Coalition appeal to end hunger.
By Sheila Boutcher, Alongside Hope/PWRDF, Central Newfoundland

News from PWRDF

Globally, we were making progress in our campaign to end hunger, until recently! According to the World Food Programme, 50 million people are currently facing emergency levels of hunger and the number of severely food insecure people has more than doubled in the last two years. The reasons for this sudden increase include:
•Extended drought and other climate shocks that are wreaking havoc on food supplies and livelihoods;
•The COVID-19 pandemic has had severe economic consequences in many countries; and,
•The conflict in Ukraine is having a direct impact on access to basic foods.

In response to the hunger emergency unfolding around the world, 12 Canadian aid agencies have joined forces as the Humanitarian Coalition to raise funds and rush assistance to people on the edge of famine. One of those agencies is the Canadian Foodgrains Bank, of which PWRDF is a member, and is therefore participating. In addition to being a part of the Humanitarian Coalition, PWRDF has recently provided $360,000 ($90,000 each) to support four areas experiencing humanitarian crises:
•In Myanmar (Burma), more than 100,000 Rohingya are living in Rakhine state, confined to displacement camps which have been called open-air prisons. There are severe limitations on movement, education and healthcare. PWRDF is supporting the ongoing work of its partner, the Lutheran World Federation (LWF), bringing food, healthcare and dignity to those marginalized people.
•In Iraq, internally displaced people, refugees, returnees, and their host communities are very vulnerable. Under the ACT Appeal, LWF Iraq is improving water, sanitation and hygiene services, promoting income generating activities, and working with local community groups to address sexual and gender-based violence.
•In Ethiopia, programming is supporting safe water, sanitation, and hygiene for those most vulnerable. This support will build on past work of LWF through the ACT Alliance.
•In Syria, the Middle East Council of Churches, through the ACT Alliance appeal for Syria, Jordan and Lebanon, will use PWRDF funds to train Syrian women in Jordan to run small businesses, or to become home-care workers or nurse assistants.

Why not go to and check out the numerous humanitarian programs your church supports, and prayerfully consider how you might be able to help. Thank you.

Ways to give: 

To donate online go to and click on the Give Today tab, you may choose “Donate Now to Where Needs are Greatest” or scroll down to find a project you would like to support. 

You may also send a cheque payable to PWRDF to 80 Hayden Street, 3rd floor, Toronto, Ontario, M4Y 3G2; or

You can also donate by phone by calling (416) 822-9083 or leave a voicemail at 1(866) 308-7973 and they will return your call.

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