April 2023 Issue

Combined Clergy Retreat

A Look Back At The History of The Anglican Church in Gander

I am now almost 90 years old, but I still like to read, and recently saw your request in Anglican Life. I thought I’d write ...

ACW Donates Hygiene Products

The ACW ladies of Holy Trinity Church, Codroy, collected and donated personal hygiene bags to the LeGrow Health Center in Port Aux Basques. There are ...

An Easter Message From Bishop Watton

As our diocese approached Lent this year I spent much time worrying about how it was going to go. We gathered resources for parishes, prepared ...

Robot Rector: Computer-Generated Sermons

I had been reading about people using Artificial Intelligence (or AI) to write text for them. You can enter a prompt like ‘write a poem ...

ACW Installed in Margaree-Fox Roost

On Sunday, Feb 5th, the ACW of St. Augustine’s Church in Margaree – Fox Roost had their installation of officers. In the above photograph, from ...

Easter Hope

During the Lenten season, we are reminded of the trials and tribulations which Jesus endured during his forty days and nights in the desert. The ...

Memorial Christmas Tree Lighting with Blue Christmas

On Dec.18th, 2022, Holy Trinity Church in Codroy, held their annual Memorial Tree lighting service. Loved ones’ names were read out by lay ministers, as ...

Super Friends 10!

It’s a pleasure for me to be sharing PWRDF’s news in this, my first column as Diocesan Representative for Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador. The Primate’s ...

An Easter Message From Bishop Rose

Easter always seems to come as a surprise to me. When Ash Wednesday begins, it appears that this day is far off. Yet, like the ...

An Easter Message From Bishop Organ

Easter has a way of sneaking up on us! It did the same thing to the first disciples and followers of Jesus as well.  Imagine ...

The Complication of Expectations

Do you want to see something funny? Take a look at someone driving a car who has just realized that there is a pothole ahead, ...

Fire in The Lychgate!

As the chancel team and choir left the sanctuary of the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist in Corner Brook on February 19th, the last ...

Tidbits About Wills

I’m told the vast majority of people do not have a will. Some people feel that they do not need one for various reasons. Others ...

The Christingle Service

Here at St. John the Evangelist, Topsail, our rector, the Rev’d Jotie Noel, encourages us to celebrate each red letter day on the Church calendar, ...

What Do You Worship?

I have a memory of being at my grandparents’ house as a kid one Easter. I remember gnawing away on what was left of a ...

Darkness Before Dawn

One of the things that has always been an interesting fact for me is the fact that the darkest hour is the hour before dawn. ...

Two Winter Poems

Winter Hymnal for a Sunday Morning Said Eucharist Surrounded by a silence that only a stone Cathedral encapsulates we hear music. The rhythmic clink and ...

Experiences With A “Dry February”

Following all the overindulgence associated with the festive Christmas season, I decided that I would do a “Dry February,” where I would consume no alcohol ...

Christmas in Codroy

Christmas Eve was a busy time at Holy Trinity Church in Codroy. Pictured with this article are just a couple of pictures from the service. ...

Reasonable and Probable Grounds to Believe

Many scholars opine that John’s Gospel was written in the late first century CE, at a time when Christians were continuing to live as Jews, ...

St. Paul’s ACW Celebrates Valentine’s Day

Here are two photographs of the executive of St Paul’s ACW in Summerside/Irishtown. They were taken following the election of officers, and show celebrating Valentine’s ...

Anglican Celebrations at Garrison, Petawawa

The St. George Chapel Garrison Petawawa is the chapel on base that encompasses all the Christian denominations except the Roman Catholics (who have their own ...
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