On November 30th, 2022, people from the Parishes of Bay Roberts/Coley’s Point, Port De Grave, the Resurrection, and Shearstown took some time away from their busy lives and gathered at St Mark’s Church in Shearstown for an Advent Quiet Day. The reflections for the day were based on the Advent resource “The Way of Love,” produced by the Episcopal Church (which can be found here: https://www.episcopalchurch.org/journeying-way-love/). Father Paul Thoms spoke about the importance of creating a rule of life as a guide to lead us in this journey and to keep us on track as we say “yes” to the way of love. Canon Christine Lynch spoke about what it means to share this journey with family and friends, just as Mary shared the good news of the angel’s visit with her cousin Elizabeth. How are we called to share the good news about God’s love with our family and friends? Father Gerald Westcott spoke about living in community and sharing God’s love with others we encounter on the journey. Beautiful music provided by Helena Thoms and Hubert Somerton lifted our hearts up in joy.

Thank you to St. Mark’s Church for hosting this event and for providing a mid-morning snack along with delicious soups and desserts for lunch. And let us not forget the projectile coffee!
This was a day filled with love as old friendships were renewed and new friendships were formed. Our very own Mary and Elizabeth (photo included), who are long-time friends, were delighted to spend this time together. The Holy Spirit is moving in this place, calling us together as community, sharing God’s love for each other as we grow in faith and service. All of those in attendance felt blessed. We are looking forward to future events as we discover new ways of working together in this mission area.