May 2022 Issue
Confirmation Class in Port aux Basques—Learning About Stewardship and Helping People
The confirmation class of St. James’ Church in Port aux Basques just completed their stewardship project, raising a total of $2230. Each student was given ...

Written by
Lisa Brown
The Way of Love
At our recent Diocesan Synod, we were called to refocus on becoming a more missional diocese, and a more missional people. I know that “mission” ...

Written by
Bishop Samuel Rose
While My Guitar Gently Weeps
Remember that song written in the 60’s by Beatles member George Harrison? The words convey his dismay at the world’s unrealized potential for universal love. ...

Written by
Kevin Smith
Why Do We Go To Church?
When I was a teenager, I remember having a conversation with my father about why I had to go to church. At the time, many ...

Written by
Melanie Clarke
Margaree-Fox Roost ACW Officers Installed
Above is a photograph from the installation of new officers for the Margaree-Fox Roost ACW for 2022-23. Left to right are: Bernice Sweet, Treasurer; Phyllis ...

Writen by
Karen Simon
New ACW Officers Installed in Summerside
This photograph is from the 11 am service on Sunday, March 27th, 2022. Left to right are: Willlie Loder, President; Ann Penney, Vice President; Shelley ...

Writen by
Willie Loder
Imago Dei
Imago Dei is Latin for “image of God.” It is a theological doctrine common to Jews, Christians, and some Muslims. The Book of Genesis is not ...

Writen by
The Rev’d Michael Li
On The Word “Place”
Where do I place in someone’s heart? As a sister, a wife , a mother or a friend? I may never really know. What about ...

Writen by
Eileen Colbourne
Cathedral of St. John the Baptist Contemplative Service for Lent
…and that is true of this photograph. It was taken by Ellen Reid at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in St. John’s on ...

Writen by
Anglican Life
Agricultural Education Initiatives to Address Hunger and Fight Climate Change
In our part of the world, springtime is the season of new birth; the earth reawakens after a long winter’s sleep, as we walk outside ...

Writen by
Sheila Boutcher, Alongside Hope/PWRDF, Central Newfoundland
Online Worship Is Real
We thought we would be open by Easter! When we shut down for the pandemic, we thought we’d be open again before long. We thought ...

Writen by
The Rev’d Cynthia Haines-Turner
Reasonable and Probable Grounds to Believe
Our collective best guess, and that guess is subject to ongoing change, is that the universe as we know it came into being some 15 ...

Writen by
Ford Matchim
The Imposition of Ashes
This year, Shrove Tuesday fell on March 1st, and as is the annual customary practice, our ACW ladies organized and prepared a take out supper ...

Writen by
Louise Smith
The Rev’d Amber Tremblett Ordained Priest
On March 31st, the Rev’d Amber Tremblett was ordained a priest by Bishop Samuel Rose in her home parish of Lewisporte. As Lewisporte is in ...

Writen by
Anglican Life
The Rev’d Deborah Pantin Ordained Priest
On March 25th, the Rev’d Deborah Pantin was ordained a priest by Bishop Samuel Rose in All Saints’ Church in Dildo. Following the ordination, a ...

Writen by
Anglican Life