February 2021 Issue
God Is Walking With Us
I often return to Luke’s story about two disciples traveling to Emmaus after Jesus had died. They met a man along the road and began ...

Written by
Bishop John Watton
From Margaree-Fox Roost
Memorial hymn sing On December 13th, St. Augustine’s Church in Margaree-Fox Roost held their annual “Memorial Carol Sing” service with Deacon John Billard officiating. Sophie ...

Written by
Anglican Life
At What Cost?
When we’re in crisis mode, it can be easy to let our priorities go off course. Some time ago, we started to talk about the ...

Written by
The Rev'd Jonathan Rowe
A Moment In Time
One of my favourite documents at the Archdeacon Buckle Memorial Archive is the scrapbook of Bishop Llewellyn Jones (1878-1917). It consists of two large volumes ...

Written by
The Rev’d Irving Letto
Act of Generosity To Queen’s College
Ada Simms of Clarke’s Beach passed away in October, leaving a legacy of support for Queen’s College. Ms Simms, who grew up on Lesley Street ...

Writen by
Kevin Smith
Take On The Things That Suit You
A couple of years ago, I made a conscious decision to stop saying yes when I meant no. I was having a difficult time with ...

Writen by
Allison Billard
Something Is Missing
There is loneliness in my spirit—a pandemic induced and bodily loneliness. On March 22nd, 2020, our church communities were shut down because of the COVID-19 ...

Writen by
Archdeacon Gerald Westcott
New Lay Minister and Eucharistic Assistant
Recently, the Rt. Rev’d John Watton, Bishop of the Central Diocese, announced that Glenn Freake of Port Union had been granted Licenses in Lay Ministry ...

Writen by
Anglican Life
People Writing About Kindness
One of the first things to pop up in my social media this year was the video that Harry Styles released on January 1st for ...

Writen by
Emily Rowe
International Development Week
International Development Week (IDW) is an annual initiative held during the first week of February (beginning in 1991) to engage Canadians on global issues. This ...

Writen by
Mona Edwards
Candlemas—One Of The Church’s Oldest Feasts
If you do a Google search for what is special about February 2nd, you’ll get Groundhog Day or World Wetlands Day, or many other commemorations ...

Writen by
The Rev’d Cynthia Haines-Turner
Thank You to The Parish of Meadows
I recently completed the Supervised Parish Internship Program through Queen’s College from September to December 2020. The three congregations of the parish of Meadows were ...

Writen by
The Rev'd Kay Osmond
Whaat’s God Really Like?
Little children can be so sweetly inquisitive! Often they can surprise you with difficult, even profound questions. Five year old Billy had just finished the ...

Writen by
Ronald Clarke
Watching a Consecration
The picture above is from the Anglican Parish of St. Philip’s, gathered to participate in the livestream of the consecration and installation of our new ...

Writen by
Archdeacon Julie Brace
What the Spirit is Saying to The Church
Anglican Life thanks the Rev’d Fred Marshall, Officer of the Anglican Joint Committee, who has been a guest columnist for the last six months with ...

Writen by
The Rev’d Fred Marshall
Patchwork Shirt Legacy in Summerside
On Christmas Eve, Vera Payne and Bonnie Wheeler presented St. Paul’s Church in Summerside with a patchwork shirt. Each patch contained an amount of money, ...

Writen by
The Rev'd Kay Osmond