March 2021

Anglican LifeLocal News

Exercise in Summerside

Pictured is the exercise group that meets at St. Paul’s church hall in Summerside, for all three churches in the parish of Meadows. They meet ...
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The Rev’d Irving Lettoarchives

A Moment In Time

For many years St. Peter’s Church, Upper Gullies, had two women’s groups. One group met in St. Andrew’s School in Seal Cove. The other met ...
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Farmers in Zimbabwe needed seed to recover from Cyclone Idai Photograph from PWRDF
Sheila Boutcher, PWRDF, Central NewfoundlandMarch 2021

Climate Change­­—Climate Action

You might be wondering why a church-based, development, humanitarian and relief organization such as PWRDF has taken up the cause of climate change. This is ...
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Louise SmithEastern Newfoundland and Labrador

Reflections on The Year 2020

As I endeavour to collect my thoughts, in an effort to reflect on the many adjustments and changes that our church and community have overcome ...
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Anglican Life Logo
The Rev'd Jonathan RoweColumns

Church In The Bubble

Later this month, the shutdown in Newfoundland will be a year old. Many of the extreme restrictions of the early days have long since been ...
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Emily RoweEastern Newfoundland and Labrador

Ordination on Bell Island

On Sunday, January 25th, The Rev’d Dale Careen was ordained a priest at the church of St. Cyprian and St. Mary on Bell Island. As ...
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photo by Daniel Schludi on
Dr. David MorganColumns

We’re Treating the Symptom, Not The Disease

“Oppressing the poor in order to enrich oneself, and giving to the rich, will lead only to loss.” Proverbs 22:16 NRSV In the first few ...
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Ashley BradleyColumns

Chill Out And Listen

As of late, young people have been attracting more and more attention from regular church goers. The reason for this is that they are not ...
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Kevin SmithColumns

Contesting A Will­—A Trend Or Not?

Some writers have expressed concerns about a disturbing trend coming out of the United Kingdom—the rising incidence of people challenging wills. This trend, according to ...
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Rev’d Green presenting Susan Reid (right) and Doreen Tucker (left), representing the Church of the Good Shepherd, Norris Point, with their Certificates of Appreciation in recognition of contributions to the Intern Support Team Supervised Parish Internship Program.
Dale DeckerLocal News

Supervised Parish Internship Program

The Rev’d Wilhelmena Green, rector for the Parish of Bonne Bay North, recently completed an online internship course through the Faculty of Theology, Queen’s College, ...
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