Reflections on The Year 2020

Sharon Smith

St. John the Evangelist, Topsail

As I endeavour to collect my thoughts, in an effort to reflect on the many adjustments and changes that our church and community have overcome in 2020, it is an exercise in faith and resilience.

My concentration focuses largely on the closure of the most tumultuous 10 months in all our lives. But despite the upheaval of a pandemic, time goes on and we quickly find ourselves turning the page to explore a new chapter.

Here at St. John the Evangelist, the congregation, not unlike neighbouring parishes, has adopted strict disciplinary measures in accommodating regular and necessary activities related to fundraising, outreach, fellowship, etc. All are acknowledged and active, but on a miniature scale due to social distancing.

However, the overall sacrifices have been an important tool in helping our province boast of maintaining a very low number of active coronavirus cases.

And while harbouring vivid thoughts of the year just past, we look forward with cautious optimism to a more positive 2021.

In March, our Bishop circulated a letter,
With a message to all did convey.
We have no choice but to close up the churches,
To help keep this new virus at bay.

So, at least for the next three or four months,
Rev. Jolene preached a sermon online.
She delivered a service each Sunday,
It filled a need at that most stressful time.

But we missed fellowship with our people,
Holy Eucharist with bread and the wine.
Kneeling down at the altar to receive it,
Thinking back on a happier time.
We are back at the church once again now,
With limitations for what we can do.
Everyone wears a mask for protection,
And we sit six feet apart in our pew.

We have high hopes for the day  things turn normal
All activities and functions to allow.
Praising God for our outreach and freedom,
With the virus deleted, somehow.

“Bear one another’s burdens
And so fulfil the law of Christ.”
Galatians: 6:2

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