

Bishop John OrganColumns


Former Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, in his book Being Disciples: Essentials of the Christian Life, stated that, “what makes you a disciple is not ...
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The Rev’d Michael LiColumns

The Call of Abraham

Terah had three sons: Abram, Nahor, and Haran (Genesis 11:26). Abram was probably born in Ur (near present day Basra in Iraq). He married Sarai ...
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photograph of an old boat, falling apart on the shore
Ford MatchimColumns

Reasonable and Probable Grounds to Believe

None of us have much to say about how we are born. It happens. The love and nurturing of our parents provide a foundation on ...
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The Rev'd Jonathan RoweColumns

A Nap And A Snack

In 1 Kings 19, following Elijah’s confrontation with the prophets of Baal, he flees from Queen Jezebel, finding solace in the wilderness. Overwhelmed by despair ...
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The Rev’d Cynthia Haines-TurnerColumns

The Assembly of General Synod: Both High Points and Low Moments

The Assembly and General Synod meetings have concluded. There were, as always, high points and low moments. During the times when we gathered as the ...
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Melanie ClarkeColumns

Lost Sheep

When I was a teenager, I was a Sunday School teacher. Part of the curriculum was to teach the parable of the lost sheep. In ...
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Emily RoweCentral Newfoundland

Anglican Life (“The Churchman”)­—Still In Print And In Need of Your Help

You may remember that back in 2019 there was a campaign to get everybody to confirm their subscriptions to Anglican Life and The Anglican Journal. ...
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Bishop Samuel RoseColumns

Deepening Relationships, Part II

In June’s issue of Anglican Life, Bishop Samuel Rose began a two-part article called “Deepening Relationships.” In this continuation, he delves again into our baptismal ...
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The Rev’d James SpencerColumns

Finding Faith in The Ups and Downs of Life

I had just gotten through Lent. I had managed the busy-ness of Holy Week. And I had joyously praised God with my congregations for the ...
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Ford MatchimColumns

Reasonable and Probable Grounds to Believe

The history of agnosticism is continuous with that of scepticism, and the most general use of the term represents the view that we do not ...
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