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Emily RoweColumns

People Writing About Kindness

One of the first things to pop up in my social media this year was the video that Harry Styles released on January 1st for ...
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Archdeacon Gerald WestcottColumns

Something Is Missing

There is loneliness in my spirit—a pandemic induced and bodily loneliness. On March 22nd, 2020, our church communities were shut down because of the COVID-19 ...
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Allison BillardColumns

Take On The Things That Suit You

A couple of years ago, I made a conscious decision to stop saying yes when I meant no. I was having a difficult time with ...
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Kevin SmithColumns

Act of Generosity To Queen’s College

Ada Simms of Clarke’s Beach passed away in October, leaving a legacy of support for Queen’s College. Ms Simms, who grew up on Lesley Street ...
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The Rev'd Jonathan RoweColumns

At What Cost?

When we’re in crisis mode, it can be easy to let our priorities go off course. Some time ago, we started to talk about the ...
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Ronald ClarkeMelanie Clarke

My New Year Wish

This year, the Christmas season was a strange one! In all of my 91 years, I’ve never had such a quiet Christmas. With all of ...
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The Rev'd Jonathan RoweColumns

As The Father Has Sent Me, So I Send You

There is a lot of vague talk about Mission these days, and a lot of it can sound pretty intimidating. Sometimes we talk about the ...
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The Rev’d Fred MarshallColumns

What the Spirit is Saying to The Church

Anglican Life welcomes the Rev’d Fred Marshall, Officer of the Anglican Joint Committee, as a guest columnist for the next few months. Rev’d Fred  will ...
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Kevin SmithColumns

The Right Thing To Do

Over the years, I have heard the angst and agony of a loved one’s passing leaving the partner in the dark about state of their ...
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Dr. David MorganColumns

So Much Duplication

“This was the guilt of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters had pride, excess of food, and prosperous ease, but did not aid the ...
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