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The Rev'd Jonathan RoweColumns

It’s Time To Stop Talking About “Vocational Priests”

More and more, I’ve heard people talk about ‘vocational priests’ as if this was the future of ordained ministry in Newfoundland. It’s time for that ...
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Kevin SmithColumns

Dying Without A Will

I have had the sad experience this past summer of too many friends dying. At a wake, the question arose about dying without a will. ...
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Westcott with his wife and their granddaughter
Archdeacon Gerald WestcottColumns

A Wonder-Full and Uncertain Future

My granddaughter has recently had her first birthday. What a gift she has been to us, bringing such love, joy, and delight to our lives. ...
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Ronald ClarkeMelanie Clarke

All Things Bright And Beautiful

All summer long, I marvelled at the size and colour of the trees in Newfoundland. I don’t think I’ve ever seen the trees as green ...
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The Rev'd Canon Jeffrey PettenColumns

The Five L’s of Ministry

He said, ‘Go out and stand on the mountain before the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.’ Now there was a great ...
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the greenhouse that is in the cathedral’s green space
Claire DonnanColumns

Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds

As the saying goes, “Give a man a carrot, and he’ll eat for a day. Teach him how to grow a carrot, and he’ll eat ...
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Kevin SmithColumns

A Summer Reflection

It is late July as I write this, and I am sitting on the deck of my cabin in Spreadeagle. The sea is calm, the ...
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The Rev'd Jonathan RoweColumns

A New And Better Normal

As restrictions lift, people get vaccinated, and concerns about the pandemic ease, life gradually starts to return to ‘normal’. It’s not too soon for some, ...
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The Rev’d Michael LiColumns

The Beginning of Creation

There are many questions about creation. For example, is there a God? What does the Bible say about creation versus evolution? Does faith in God and science ...
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Ronald ClarkeMelanie Clarke

September Days

September for me has always been the month where work begins and my daily routines start again. I was a teacher for over 40 years, ...
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