Queen’s College 2023 Appeal–Growing in Faith

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Original artwork by Jon-Michael Windsor

We are very thankful to Jon-Michael Windsor for permission to use his artwork The Tree for our Queen’s College Appeal 2023. The work is the perfect accompaniment to our theme “Growing in Faith.” The Queen’s College Appeal Sunday will be February 12, 2023. 

The theme: Growing in Faith is rooted in the Epistle reading for February 12, 1 Corinthians 3:1-9. It speaks of growing in faith as a child grows and it also emphasizes that while it is God alone who gives the growth, there are many in the community who feed us and mentor as we grow.

Queen’s College is not just a theological college, we are a community of people committed to growing in faith together. Last year we adopted a new vision statement:
Queen’s College is an accepting, responsive, affirming, innovating, empowering community of theological learning and spiritual formation sending forth disciples to help transform society through God’s redeeming love.

We are dependent on the contributions of students, faculty, board members, and the wider community to foster our growth. We need people committed to growing in faith—people who are willing to learn new things and to be daring in their search for faith. And we need folks to mentor them and teach them—willing to one day be the teacher and the next to be the learner. We need folks who share a common vision of transforming society into the kin(g)dom of God, just as Jesus called us to do.

It is daring work and it is important work; it is sometimes difficult and painful, but it is always rewarding.

We are committed to keeping our community accessible to others and so we work diligently to keep our tuition affordable so all those who want to grow in faith have the ability to do so. And this is where you play an important role. We need your continued financial support to do this. We are not government funded—our funding comes from our supporting churches and from individual donors like you. Your contribution is vital if we are to continue this work in this place.

We are the only theological college in our province and we have students from multiple denominations and faith traditions. There is nowhere else that provides the educational and faith opportunities that we do.

People often think that we only train clergy, but actually we run a variety of programs and degrees, and the ordination stream is just one part of what we do. We train lay leaders and those who serve our communities in diverse ways. We are all called to grow in faith, and we are committed to helping you to do that.

As Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 3:9, “We are God’s servants, working together; you are God’s field, God’s building.” And that is who we are. Each one of us called as a servant; called to community—to work together; called to equip ourselves in whatever ways we can to be God’s field and God’s building. 

Please support Queen’s College in our upcoming appeal.
 – The Rev’d Dr. Joanne Mercer, Provost

THE ASSOCIATE IN THEOLOGY (ATh) program is a course of study designed for people who are interested in increasing their knowledge and appreciation of Christian belief and practice. As well as developing their pastoral skills, this program also provides a theological base for persons assuming leadership and ministry within the life of their faith community. The ATh is a great follow up for anyone who has completed the Diploma Program, and for anyone who might be discerning a call to vocational ministry within the church. Courses completed in this program may also be applied toward the Bachelor of Theology by Distance. Assignments are designed to help students reflect on their own faith journey lived out in community, and how that fits with the bigger story of the church down through the centuries. We offer a variety of courses that explore the biblical, theological, and liturgical foundations of the Christian community. In keeping with technological and social change, ATh course are increasingly exploring ways to use platforms like Google Classroom and Zoom so that students can learn together in community regardless of geographical distance. 

THE DIPLOMA IN THEOLOGY AND MINISTRY is a three-year program that is intended for individuals who are beginning their studies in the areas of theology and ministry. The program introduces participants to the language, overall content, and processes used in the various disciplines of scripture, theology, liturgy, Leadership in the Christian community and pastoral ministry. Just as important is the strong emphasis on creating a community of learners who support one another in their studies. This is accomplished through weekly prayer and student discussion throughout the presentations. 

There is no required reading outside of class, nor are there written assignments or exams. Many of those participating are already involved in a variety of roles in their faith communities. Many are also searching—some for a new understanding of their faith, some for discernment of what they are being called to in these communities, and some for personal interest. 

DEGREE PROGRAMS – Queen’s College offers a variety of degree programs to meet the needs of all those interested in studying theology. For those seeking ordination we have the traditional Master of Divinity (MDiv) and Bachelor of Theology (BTh) Programs. We also offer a Bachelor of Theology by Distance (BTh by Distance) which enables students with official church sponsorship, to build on the ATh and work toward a degree while remaining in their home communities. We also offer a Master of Theological Studies and Master of Theology programs, that focus more on the academic study of theology, both programs offer the option of writing a thesis. Queen’s College is a diverse learning community. Our students, faculty, and staff come from a wide variety of faith traditions and cultural backgrounds. Thanks to technology we also gather from across the country, as well as from other parts of the world. 


“Through Queen’s Diploma Program of Theology and Ministry, I have found answers to my initial ministry questions as well as more questions. The concept of a rolling admission to the program, the knowledgeable guest professors/speakers, and the use of technology to have us in a virtual classroom are supported by Dr. Carmel Doyle’s energy, wisdom, and dedication to the program.
Although all of my classmates are in Newfoundland and I live in New Brunswick, we are together each week through Zoom. Moreover, I was delighted when Nancy H. reached out to say she was coming to New Brunswick one summer. We were able to meet face to face, and plan to do so again.
Queens Diploma Program…is the time/place where I became part of a family that offers support for one another by messaging one another between sessions, sharing information on religion/spirituality, and expressing our needs for prayer.  The program offers a safe place to question, to explore, and to share in the way.”


“Student life at Queens College is rich and fulfilling. The Queen’s environment is such that students develop a love and loyalty towards the college that continues long after student life has finished.
Faculty and staff are dedicated to the Christian values of loving, supportive community and all who enter are accepted for who they are and wherever they are on life’s journey. Christian values are modelled and students work together in a caring, nonjudgmental environment. They share meals, laughter, troubles, conversation, and debate. They participate in social justice activities outside the college and work to create a fairer world.
There is a personal  transformation that occurs while attending Queen’s that enriches the lives of all. Students generally leave as more loving, caring, and perceptive inhabitants of our world. What more can you ask? Queen’s College rocks! Go Queens, go!”




•You can look at their website at www.queenscollegenl.ca
•Like and follow their Facebook page at facebook.com/queenscollegenl


On Sunday February 12, your local Anglican church in Newfoundland and Labrador will have envelopes for the 2023 Queen’s
  College appeal for you to use
•Go to the website (see above) and make an online donation
•You can contact Queen’s directly and ask them how you can support them at (709) 753-0116

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