
By Anglican Life

Nora Shears ordained deacon

Article and photograph by Karen Bennett

On May 6, 2023, catechist Nora Shears was ordained as a deacon in the community where she lives. The Rt. Rev’d John Organ, Bishop of Western Newfoundland, presided over the service at the Anglican Church of St. Mary the Virgin, which is located in Cow Head. Those in attendance included priests, lay readers, eucharistic assistants, members of the local congregation, family, and friends.

The ceremony was very impressive. As people followed along in the service bulletin, there were hymns, readings, prayers, and a homily by the Rev’d Canon Jeffrey Petten, who was also the organist. The congregation listened attentively as Nora, the ordinand, was presented then questioned (the examination part of the service), after which came the litany with the response, “Lord, hear our prayer.” The bishop placed his hands on the ordinand, said a prayer, and the new deacon was vested by her family. How special a moment was that! Bishop John also presented a Bible to Nora, as the sign of her authority to proclaim God’s word and to assist in the administration of his holy sacraments.

The offertory hymn, “Come and Journey with a Saviour,” was very appropriate for Nora’s expanded ministry within the Anglican Church. Holy Communion was then received by the congregation, during which Nora led in the Lord’s Prayer. The recessional hymn was, “Sing a New Song Unto the Lord.” Deacon Nora completed the ceremony with the words, “Go forth into the world rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit.” The response of the people was, “Thanks be to God.”

A reception was held in the church hall, where many folks congratulated Nora. Appreciation was acknowledged to those who had helped out in any way, and a delightful “church family” luncheon was enjoyed.

Yes, indeed, “Thanks be to God.”

Matthew Squires ordained priest

Article and photographs submitted by The Ven. Terry Caines

At St. Martin’s Cathedral in Gander, on the 24th of July 2023, The Rt. Rev’d John E. Watton, along with assisting Bishop, The Rt. Rev’d Nigel Shaw (Bishop of the Anglican Military Ordinate) ordained Matthew Glynn Squires to the Priesthood. Rev’d Matthew was surrounded by family, friends and clergy. Rev’d Matthew will continue to serve has an Anglican Chaplain at the Canadian Armed Forces Base in Petawawa, ON. While Matthew’s residential Diocese is the Diocese Central Newfoundland (where he may one day retire from the CAF and return to civilian ministry), he is on loan to the AMO and will serve where he is posted.

  • Anglican Life in Newfoundland and Labrador is the newspaper of the Anglican Church of Canada in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, and is a co-operative effort of the three Dioceses in Newfoundland and Labrador.

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