Lenten Project, 2023, At The Parish of The Ascension, Mount Pearl

Jean Nash

This Lent for our Lenten outreach project, we partnered with The Association for New Canadians, the non-profit community-based organization that delivers settlement and integration services to immigrants and refugees in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Specifically, during this Lent our parishioners donated backpacks and school supplies to benefit the children who are new to the province.  These donations were brought to our church throughout Lent and were gratefully received by a representative from the organization during Holy Week. Distribution of these items will take place by the Association’s leaders as the needs of the children are addressed. 

Thank you to all who have generously donated to this Lenten Project—the results will undoubtedly put a smile on the faces of many of those young newcomers as they prepare to settle into our schools.

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