Honorary Lifetime Warden Celebrated

The Vestry of St. Martin’s Church, Dunville (Holy Trinity Parish)

Not even a downpour of rain could dampen the spirits of those gathered at the Freshwater Community Center on the evening of May 29th. Almost the entire congregation of St. Martin’s Church in Dunville had gathered to honour one of their own, Angus Gilbert, on the occasion of his retirement as churchwarden. Ever since Angus’ retirement at the end of December, 2023, the vesty had wanted to recognize his many years of service to the Church, in Dunville and elsewhere.

Angus became a lay reader in Harbour Buffett when he was just 16 years old, and continued on when he began teaching school in Brookside two years later. At the age of 18, he officiated at two funerals in his first two days in town! Wherever he taught after that, Angus served as a lay reader and often was in charge of the Sunday School as well.

When his teaching career brought Angus and his wife Lorraine to Dunville, he also became a vestry member and, later, a churchwarden and parish council member. Angus has now been a licensed lay minister for 66 years, and at retirement had been a vestry member/warden for 58 years.

At this year’s annual congregational meeting, which Angus was unable to attend, a motion was passed unanimously to designate him an “Honorary Lifetime Warden” and to “do” something for him.

A planned family gathering to celebrate Lorraine’s birthday provided the perfect opportunity to organize a “do” for Angus and to have his children and grandchildren there to celebrate with him.

On the special day, after enjoying some welcoming music provided by Rev’d Roberta Woodman, a delicious turkey dinner was enjoyed by all at the beautifully-decorated Community Center. It speaks to the high regard in which Angus is held, that all but two members of the congregation of St. Martin’s were in attendance that night.

After dinner, guest speaker Archdeacon Charlene Taylor, a former rector in the Parish of the Holy Trinity, brought her own memories of ministering with Angus and the kindness and friendship he offered to her in her time there. She also brought greetings from Bishop Samuel Rose, and a certificate recognizing Angus’ 66 years as a lay minister.

Other tributes were offered, gifts were presented, cake was devoured, and photos were taken—and the guest of honour was left speechless!

After the formalities, twenty-three members of the Placentia-area “Music and Friends Guitar Group” provided entertainment as their way of honouring and thanking Angus for his community service, as well as his church ministry.

It was indeed a time to celebrate but, thankfully, not a time to say “so long.”  Angus continues to serve as a lay minister and offers his wise counsel and assistance whenever he is able. As he says, “You know I’m only a phone call away.”

How good it was to gather together in friendship and appreciation for the ministry of Angus Gilbert, a leader with a servant’s heart. Thanks be to God.

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