Gerry Peddle Writes About Queen’s College

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By Anglican Life


“I walked down memory lane today at Queen’s College. But it was so much more than just a nostalgic jaunt. I walked slowly in front of the wall of esteemed of graduates going back for over 170 years. I read the names of my forbears—men who shaped my identity—and that of my parents and grand parents. These were the loyal and dedicated men who were called and then prepared at Queen’s to minister all across our great land. They framed, and constantly re-shaped the mold of dedicated Queen’s men. They became the respected religious leaders in every community in Newfoundland and Labrador, and were the authentic stuff of which legends are born. They were fearless men who braved every danger and comforted every broken heart. They never flinched in the face of harsh reality. They could be fiercely tough when facing adversaries, but they also had a gentleness of spirit. Their Ministry of Presence was all pervasive They were consulted in every situation and eagerly sought throughout all the joys and tragedies of life.”

Gerry Peddle’s full article will be available in the January issue of Anglican Life.

  • Anglican Life in Newfoundland and Labrador is the newspaper of the Anglican Church of Canada in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, and is a co-operative effort of the three Dioceses in Newfoundland and Labrador.

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