Dedication of New Columbarium

Sharon Smith

St. John the Evangelist, Topsail

On September 19th, 2023, the Right Rev’d Samuel Rose, Bishop of Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador, accompanied by our parish priest, Canon Jotie Noel, dedicated our second columbarium to the Glory of Almighty God, giver of life and life eternal.

Our cemetery is located on a slope overlooking the ocean where several members of our congregation gathered on that sunny day to witness and participate in this memorable service.

All the while, sea birds soared over the waters, reminding us of the origin of the word columbarium—the Italian word for dove.

The 40 niches will each hold up to two urns, both containing the cremated remains of deceased persons.

Six years ago, in compliance with the innovation of new technology permeating all human life, both spiritual and secular, we introduced our first columbarium, also with 40 niches. It was erected as an alternative choice for the cremated remains of our loved ones.

As creatures of faith in our Church, most of us are conducive to this alternative regarding the preparation of bodies for their final resting place. However, this advanced alternative is not solely offered, but an individual choice.

Both columbaria now majestically grace our cemetery amidst the natural beauty of God’s creation—a microcosm of the whole of God’s green earth.

That I may know him
And the power of his resurrection
And the fellowship of his suffering
Being conformed to his death.
 – Philippians: 3:1

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