The Town of Garnish is nestled on the southern shoreline of Fortune Bay. Within

the town, there are many who rely on the sea for their livelihoods. Garnish has approximately 80 fisherpersons who know too well the dangers that the sea can hold. St. Giles’ Anglican Church in the Parish of Marystown, with their rector The Rev’d Jeffrey Blackwood, decided to “bring back” the traditional Blessing of the Fleet service on the waterfront. The last service was in 2019, before the days of COVID-19.
The service was prepared and officiated at by Rev’d Jeffrey, and a meaningful sermon was delivered by Major Ross Grandy who grew up in the town in a fishing family.

The service was greatly appreciated by the fisherpersons and residents. It was a wonderful reminder of God’s love for each of us, that he is always with us and to rely on him in pray for guidance and a safe return to their sheltered harbour each and every day.
A lovely lunch followed which was prepared by St. Giles’ ACW, and some entertainment was provided by our rector Rev’d Jeffrey, Aubrey Freeborn, and Doreen & Keith Bolt.