

women's group sitting in the community room of a nursing home with residents during Christmas

An ACW Visit With Christmas Music

The ACW ladies of both Fogo and Deep Bay had a night of Christmas carols and readings with residents of Riverhead Manor and Harbourview Apartments.

Mother’s Day on Fogo Island

The parishes of Fogo Island East and West held an Island-wide service for Mother’s Day, which was on May 12th, 2024. “Jesus said I am

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News From Fogo

Four memorial Flower Services in the Parishes of Fogo Island East and West What a blessing! God provided beautiful weather with sunshine and a slight

Island Service With Two Baptisms

An Island Service was held on July 30 at Church of Holy Spirit, Fogo. The Rev’d Neal Buffet and the Rev’d Beverly Buffet performed two

Mother’s Day at St. Andrew’s, Fogo

A beautiful parish service was held on Mother’s Day at St. Andrew’s church in Fogo. Rev’d Neal Buffett got Martin to help read the book

A Visit With the Seniors

On Sunday January 29th, the St Andrew’s ACW ladies visited the Harbour View seniors’ complex in Fogo for a song and reading gathering. The seniors

shared worship service on Fogo Island

Islandwide Fellowship on Fogo Island

On Sunday, May 29th, the Anglican Parishes of Fogo Island East and West held a joint service of worship and fellowship led by the Rev’d

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