Anglican Charitable Foundation for Children

Screen shot taken by Emily Rowe at the end of the AGM for ACFC
Screen shot taken by Emily Rowe at the end of the AGM for ACFC

Annual General Meeting held on May 26, 2021

On March 21st, 1855, Bishop Edward Feild established a home for widows and orphans. In time, there was established the Shannon Munn Memorial Orphanage for boys and the T.R. Job Memorial Orphanage for girls. These two orphanages became the new orphanage, “Exon House,” which was sold in 1974, and the funds invested newly established Anglican Charitable Foundation for Children. Over the 46 year history of the ACFC, records show just over 40,000 children were assisted through clothing allowances, educational bursaries, medical assistance, camps, and emergencies totalling in excess of $5,000,000. This does not include contributions over the years of\$3,000,000 to assist diocesan camps, diocesan counselling centres, shelters such as transition houses, group homes, Iris Kirby House, and the School for the Deaf. In recent years, contributions have been primarily directed to recipients according to our current guidelines. All this began with a five pound donation to Bishop Feild in 1855. 

At this year’s AGM via Zoom, the following were elected as officers of the Charity: The Rev’d Canon John Courage (Chairperson), Mr Dennis Porter (Vice Chairperson), Mrs Emily Rowe (Secretary) and Mr Stephen Pinsent (Treasurer). \

For further information on the Orphanage and the ACFC, go to your Diocesan Website under ACFC or read the book The Church of England Orphanage in Newfoundland, by the late Bishop Geoff Peddle, which is available for purchase by writing to:
[email protected]. To enquire on making a donation or estate planning contact our diocesan planned giving consultant, Mr Kevin Smith, at:
[email protected].

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