Transition in Chaplaincy: Goodbye to Ed Keeping, and Hello to Wayne Parsons

The three current chaplains in the Diocese of ENL: The Rev’d Wayne Parsons, The Rev’d Irene Sutton, and The Rev’d David Pilling
The Rev’d David Pilling

After 44 years of combined ministry within the Church Army of Canada, and ordained leadership in the three Newfoundland dioceses, Archdeacon Ed

Archdeacon Ed Keeping, retired chaplain

Keeping has retired. Archdeacon Ed has spent the last 7 years of his ministry serving as a hospital chaplain at the Health Science Centre in St. John’s, where he has pastored to many people from across our province. With his good work ethic of initiating dozens of visits each day, his approachable manner, and the humour and laugh God has blessed him with, he has made a positive addition to the life of the Church.

Ed follows a long list of chaplains who have gone before him who also had a significant impact on the faith journey of many of the readers of Anglican Life. Chaplains, through their visits and prayers, walk alongside those who journey through the darkest valleys of their lives.

Hospital ministry is perhaps the most significant outreach ministry our three dioceses undertake. It is the most significant outreach that the Diocese of Eastern NL sponsors. Many of the people who enter hospital do so with a great deal of fear. Hospitalization, and the process of being hospitalized, can be very traumatic.

As chaplains, through the visitation of all identified Anglicans, we meet these people. Through a ministry of presence and a ministry of prayer, we come alongside the patient and help them discover God in their midst. As a Chaplain, I can also attest to the practicing faith of members of our staff, and the very real presence of their passion and compassion. The words of Psalm 23:4 is lived out daily: “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no evil; for you are with me; your rod and your staff— they comfort me.”

With Archdeacon Ed’s retirement, we are very pleased that the diocese has hired The Rev’d Wayne Parsons as the new chaplain at The Health Science Center and The Janeway Hospital.  This ministry, in the near future, will also include the Centre of Mental Health and Addictions. Archdeacon David Pilling, has taken over as Coordinating Chaplain, and will continue in his ministry at St. Clare’s Hospital, The Waterford Hospital, The Miller Centre/Veteran’s Pavilion and Pleasant View Towers.

Rev’d Wayne brings a wealth of knowledge from parish ministry, having served in Eastern Diocese for the past 22 years. The Rev’d Irene Sutton (recently retired from the Parish of Carbonear), provides “on call” coverage for all weekends (Friday and Saturday), ensuring that we can offer spiritual support as it is needed at all times. We are grateful and blessed to have the active and prayerful support of our Bishop, Samuel Rose.

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