February 2022 Issue
A Time of Spiritual Enrichment
Greetings in Christ. From The Reign of Christ Sunday, through Advent, to Christmas and Epiphany, it has been an extraordinary seven weeks of spiritual enrichment ...

Written by
Bishop John Organ
Christmas Eve in Rocky Harbour
Despite the stormy weather on Christmas Eve in Western Newfoundland, at St. Matthew’s Church in Rocky Harbour, Emily Payne and her baby brother Max came with their ...

Written by
Anglican Life
Church Concert in Summerside
On December 8th, 2021, a church concert was held at St. Paul’s Anglican Church in Summerside, NL. Above are a few photographs from that event. ...

Written by
Anglican Life
St. Margaret’s Boat
Our mission is “reaching out to others,” and that is why once again we chose an Advent project related to our mission. We focused especially ...

Written by
Jean Nash
Second Annual Prayer Walk in Bonne Bay North
On a beautiful sunny Saturday morning, October 30th 2021, at 10 in the morning, approximately 23 members of the Parish of Bonne Bay North congregations ...

Writen by
Dale Decker
It’s Getting Brighter
I am certain that many of you maybe familiar with this saying: If Candlemas day be fair and bright, Winter will have another flight. If ...

Writen by
The Rev'd Canon Jeffrey Petten
Struggling For The Connection
Well, the end of 2021 took an unexpected turn for all of us, didn’t it? Nearly locked down right before Christmas, back to online learning ...

Writen by
Allison Billard
Love Thy Neighbour: Welcoming the Stranger and Supporting Refugees
February is the month when the world celebrates love, but God’s love is all around us every minute, of every day, of every month, of ...

Writen by
Sheila Boutcher, Alongside Hope/PWRDF, Central Newfoundland
A Big Thank You
The Parish of Fortune-Lamaline would like to sincerely thank their lay ministers and eucharistic assistants as they serve in their individual churches of All Saints’ ...

Writen by
Norma Stacey
A Legacy of Bishop Feild
What a story and what a legacy! I have just completed Bishop Geoff Peddle’s book, “The Church of England Orphanage in Newfoundland: 1855-1969.” The well ...

Writen by
Kevin Smith
Anglican Chaplaincy And The Pandemic
The Anglican chaplaincy has seen some major changes over the past twenty months while the pandemic has been a part of our lives. At the ...

Writen by
The Rev’d Canon Ed Keeping
From The Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, St. John’s: Advent and Christmas 2021
Live Nativity Labyrith A Hymn For Quietmas No one told the starlings, soaked and shivering from the December drizzle, that they weren’t allowed to gather. ...

Writen by
Anglican Life
“It’s Not The Same!”
As I write, we have returned to a season of enhanced precautions and online worship. To say that we’re starting to get tired of the ...

Writen by
The Rev'd Jonathan Rowe
Potential For Meaningful Digital Interaction
The other day I was enjoying some time playing video games with my children. We were using a virtual reality device: a mask with an ...

Writen by
The Rev’d James Spencer
Christmas at St. James’, Gillams
The Christmas season was a busy one at St. James’ despite the COVID-19 restrictions. A new Christmas banner was dedicated in memory of Larry Wight ...

Writen by
Karen Simon