A Time of Spiritual Enrichment

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Greetings in Christ.

From The Reign of Christ Sunday, through Advent, to Christmas and Epiphany, it has been an extraordinary seven weeks of spiritual enrichment and empowerment for the Body of Christ. 

As we reflected upon Jesus Christ, sovereign of the universe, exulted and glorified, we were encouraged to look to Christ’s second coming with expectation and confidence that all things will be restored and renewed in him.

Advent highlighted once again the virtues of hope, peace, joy, and love. By these virtues we can be transformed and be transforming. We can build happy homes, just societies, and a better world.

Christmas revealed the unconditional love of God for you, for me, and for everyone. God’s coming into the world in human flesh declared the amazing good news of how much we matter to God. Each of us is precious to God. Christ is the light that shines into the darkness calling us to see who we truly are. Made in the image and likeness of God, we are wonderfully made and profoundly loved.

Epiphany revealed once more that Christ is worthy of our trust, our loyalty, and our hope. With the Magi, we see in Christ the fullness of God and the perfection of humanity. Because of Christ and his redemptive work, people of every race, language, and nation are invited to share in the banquet and bounty of the Family of God. We take our place at the table and fully belong.

This period of spiritual enrichment brings us to and through the gate of a New Year.  We know that there may be many challenges ahead and COVID-19 remains a major one. Yet as a faithful, disciplined people, we will meet any and all challenges with wisdom, understanding, and fortitude. We will allow the Holy Spirit to empower us with love, peace, joy, gentleness, kindness, faithfulness, generosity, patience, and self-control. Doing so, we will overcome adversity and reap an abundant harvest. 

It is our spiritual life that enriches who we are and what we do. Realizing that we matter to the sovereign of the universe, who knows us and calls us by name, we can access our fullest promise and potential. 

God took on human form and gave all to demonstrate how precious each person is and how much we matter to God. In Christ, we are victorious and even glorious. In him, we can be and do more than we could ask or imagine!

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