January 2021 issue
Eastern NL Elects The Venerable Samuel Vincent Rose To Be Sixth Bishop of Diocese

Written by
Emily Rowe
Where There Is Vision, The People Flourish
It seems like only yesterday we were welcoming in 2020 and some happily saying goodbye, if not good riddance, to 2019. There will no doubt ...

Written by
Bishop John Organ
Cathedral On The Wall
Jane Reagh, a member of The Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist in Corner Brook, NL, took part in the LAWN (League of Artists of ...

Written by
Anglican Life
Primeval History
All sixty-six books of the Bible are God’s Word. Some people believe that Exodus, Isaiah, Matthew, John, and Romans are the five most important books ...

Written by
The Rev’d Michael Li
White Wolf Drumming and Youth Group
St. Paul’s Church, in Summerside NL, held a morning prayer with the White Wolf Drumming and youth group on Sunday, November 15th, 2020. This is ...

Written by
Anglican Life
St. Peter’s, CBS, Engages Youth Worker to Assist Seniors During Pandemic
Everyone has suffered in one form or another during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the days since. However, no one has felt the ...

Writen by
Jack Morgan
Remembrance Day in The Parish of Rose Blanche
Due to COVID-19, The Royal Canadian Legion asked that people not gather in person this year for the annual act of remembrance. In the Parish ...

Writen by
The Rev'd Canon Jeffrey Petten
So Much Duplication
“This was the guilt of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters had pride, excess of food, and prosperous ease, but did not aid the ...

Writen by
Dr. David Morgan
St. Paul’s Church, Parish of Cow Head
On October 25th, which is the anniversary of the dedication of our church, the congregation of St. Paul’s welcomed and celebrated the renewal with the ...

Writen by
The Rev’d Terry Rose
The Right Thing To Do
Over the years, I have heard the angst and agony of a loved one’s passing leaving the partner in the dark about state of their ...

Writen by
Kevin Smith
What the Spirit is Saying to The Church
Anglican Life welcomes the Rev’d Fred Marshall, Officer of the Anglican Joint Committee, as a guest columnist for the next few months. Rev’d Fred will ...

Writen by
The Rev’d Fred Marshall
Confirmation at St. James’ Gillams
A very beautiful service of confirmation was held at St. James’ on November 1, 2020. There were four candidates: Ava, Brygette, Dylan, and Kiersten A ...

Writen by
Audrey Park
Confirmation in the Parish of Meadows
Bishop John Organ of Western Newfoundland also visited Holy Trinity Church in Meadows and St. Paul’s Church in Summerisde on November 1st for the sacrament ...

Writen by
Anglican Life
Prayer Quilts in Rocky Harbour
During the morning service at St. Matthew’s in Rocky Harbour on Sunday, November 22nd, Rev’d Wilhelmena Green blessed 27 prayer quilts for the Parish of ...

Writen by
Anglican Life
The Price of a Pandemic
As a newly ordained priest in the north of England, Henry Gordon read What Life Means to Me by Wilfred Grenfell, and he wrote, “Ever ...

Writen by
The Rev’d Irving Letto
As The Father Has Sent Me, So I Send You
There is a lot of vague talk about Mission these days, and a lot of it can sound pretty intimidating. Sometimes we talk about the ...

Writen by
The Rev'd Jonathan Rowe
A Fall 2020 ACW Fundraiser
Although they had to forgo their customary fall tea and bake sale given COVID restrictions, the ACW of The Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist ...

Writen by
Dr. Doreen Helen Klassen
Happy New Year—Another Year of Sharing PWRDF Stories
On behalf of the PWRDF Diocesan Representatives of Central Newfoundland, Eastern Newfoundland & Labrador, and Western Newfoundland, I would like to thank Emily Rowe our ...

Writen by
Archdeacon Charlene Taylor
A New Approach to Our 160th Anniversary
When I was a young girl growing up within the warmth and security of our family home, I often heard my mother use the idiom, ...

Writen by
Louise Smith
Ordinations During A Pandemic—The Diocese of Central Newfoundland
On October 14th Bishop John Watton Ordained the Rev’d Diana Sacrey to the Order of Deacons at St. Martin’s Cathedral in Gander. On October 28th, ...

Writen by
Anglican Life
A Virtual Christmas Tea
Autumn is generally the time when parishes and church organizations do some major fundraising with fall fairs and the like. All this took a major ...

Writen by
Peter Stevenson
My New Year Wish
This year, the Christmas season was a strange one! In all of my 91 years, I’ve never had such a quiet Christmas. With all of ...

Writen by
Ronald Clarke
Halloween At The Good Shepherd, Norris Point
Members of the Church of the Good Shepherd became involved in Halloween this year. After receiving an invitation from the Twin Town of Norris Point, ...

Writen by
Paul Green