St. Peter’s Men’s Service Club (Upper Gullies) proudly celebrated its 25th Anniversary on May 7 with a church service where the Ven. Ed Keeping delivered the sermon. The service was followed by a gathering in the parish hall. At the service deceased members of the club were remembered by family members or close friends who lit candles in their memory. Music was provided by The Pearlwinds of The Church of the Good Shepherd.
The first meeting of St. Peter’s Men’s Service Club was held on October 19, 1997. In his annual report for that year the rector, Rev’d Allan Brake, wrote:
“I am very pleased that we are able to start a Men’s Service Club in our parish… The men who are presently members are very excited and we can expect to hear much from the Club this year. It seems that the Club will focus on three principles: helping our parish in every way possible, helping the less fortunate in our community, and helping enrich the lives of the members.”
Fellowship is the focus of the club, and through their bi-weekly meetings, visits to Ray’s cabin, and other activities, close friendships have evolved among the members. They plan and/or assist in several fundraising activities each year which support the regular church budget; they directly carry out various maintenance needs; and they support the broader church and community. By working together in these projects, the club members are able to share their skills; they value the bonding and friendships that develop as the members join hands in the kitchen or serving tables. The members contribute $2 at each meeting to cover the cost of special club celebrations like the year-end barbecue and their annual Christmas party.

Over the past 25 years, the Men’s Club has raised $100,000, which has gone to such worthy causes as church repairs, Guatemala/Belize mission projects, PWRDF, CLB and youth programs, and child sponsorship (to name but a few). We believe that every social gathering has helped make our community a more friendly and caring place. Thank you and thank God.