When The Fullness of Time Had Come, God Sent Forth His Son

Photo of a nativity scene
photo by Myriam Zilles on www.unsplash.com

In this moment of history, more people than we might think are re-forming their lives. I am not just speaking about our Western, first world inconveniences, fears, and shifts—as truly impactful as they are—but I am speaking of the ways our adjustments have effected the hopes and possibilities of the poor, the disenfranchised, and the forgotten of our world.

This Christmastide, we were warned well in advance that the “stuff” that we need to purchase to give life meaning, is going to be harder to get, both in physical stores and online, so “you’d better start spending early.” These voices began to strategically and loudly proclaim this message, just ahead of the quieter, spiritual, and prayerful ones, which remind us of how love is enough, and that love can still bring meaning and purpose to each life.

I am hopeful, however. I hope soon to be thankful, because it is also seems that we live in a time when a large portion of our world has started to pay attention to things we had taken for granted. For example, we are paying attention to economic inequalities, indigenous pain and suffering, difficulties and concerns around health care, and an overall awakening to the fragility of human beings.

I am reminded of St.Paul’s simple phrase in Galatians 4:4: “But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son…”

Many biblical commentators refer to this passage as reflecting on how the time of Jesus was perfect in relation to an amalgamation of religious views, communication, travel, and culture, which allowed the message of Jesus to evolve and spread.

That too brings me hope, because we are certainly paying attention to different things these days. How wonderful it might be if the world hears the message of Jesus being spoken into each selfish heart, each guarded nation, each capitalist venture. How wonderful if the message of love, hope, caring, sharing, and sacrifice is actually given a chance to change us, as our world re-forms its life.

Come Lord Jesus, be born among us, walk with us, and change our hearts.

I join with the Church in the Diocese of Central Newfoundland ,in wishing you the fullest blessings of the Incarnation.

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