
March 2023

The Rev’d Canon John CourageEastern Newfoundland and Labrador

Retired Clergy of Eastern Newfoundland & Labrador

THE RETIRED CLERGY OF THE DIOCESE OF EASTERN NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR meet seven times a year for worship, fellowship, and business. They also meet once ...
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Ford MatchimColumns

Reasonable and Probable Grounds to Believe

Jesus’ many pronouncements, on the Kingdom of God, recorded in all the Gospels (related as the Kingdom of Heaven in Matthew) are a principal theme ...
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Kevin SmithColumns

The Rev’d John Thomas Hiscock: A Legacy Donor From The Past

Recently I came across some information about a legacy donor from seventy odd years ago—one that piqued my curiosity. Fortunately, Dr. Melvin Baker, retired historian ...
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The Rev’d Cynthia Haines-TurnerColumns

World Day of Prayer

Some of my clearest memories of childhood are around attending Church. Whenever a service was offered—Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer, Holy Communion—we were there. Of those ...
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two women with quilts that they have made
Karen SimonLocal News

Quilts for Newborns

My daughter is a midwife who works as a locum in Nunavit, and when she mentioned this initiative, I immediately started to share it with ...
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Lisa BrownLocal News

St. James’ Church Sunday School

THE SUNDAY SCHOOL CHILDREN OF ST. JAMES’ CHURCH in Port aux Basques really take their Bible storie to heart. The top picture shows the fishes ...
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choir in cathedral in Corner Brook NL
Dr. Doreen Helen KlassenLocal News

Inviting the Community to an Advent Ecumenical Service

Although the Nine Lessons and Carols of Advent service has taken place at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist in Corner Brook for over ...
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Bishop John OrganMarch 2023

Focused on Discipleship

“See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of ...
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Anglican LifeThe Ven. Terry Caines

Newfoundland and Labrador Ordinations

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