The Old Shrine Revisited

Pauline Noel

St. John the Evangelist, Topsail

This year marks the 164th anniversary of the first St. John the Evangelist Anglican Church in Topsail in Conception Bay South.

But as the congregation grew and expanded west to Manuels, an obligation to  reach outside the original parameters was necessitated. So in due course, our recent place of worship was constructed, and made ready for consecration later in 1974.

However, the old shrine still stands, majestically surrounded by memorials of the many faithful and devoted souls whose determination and moral strength, with both skilled and eager hands, brought it all to fruition.

It was amongst those memorial stones that our Flower Service was conducted again this year on July 17th. And, inside its walls, our Sunday morning worship was held on July 21st.

During these events, many visitors from outside the parish, and indeed the province, are lured by the clanging of the proverbial bell. They have faithfully come to participate in the liturgy and fellowship, and to join us in singing the old familiar hymns.

It is also a time to honour the instigator of this tradition—the late Howard Brown.

When it comes to matters of the old church—whether it was ringing the bell, greeting  at the door, distributing information, reading scripture, or guided tours—Howard was the nucleus around which the rest of us gravitated.

Howard was paramount in bringing our heirloom to Heritage Status, for which a plaque was presented, posthumously, to his wife in 2014.

Our thanks to Rev’d Lisa, who worked closely together with members of the old church committee.

I cannot close this dialogue without sharing my journey experienced during the last service of July 21, 2024—momentarily lost in the past while reinterpreting the present.

At our worship that morning, I sat in my same familiar pew from over fifty years ago. With my eyes transfixed on the altar a few feet directly ahead, I was overcome with a bolt of nostalgia. Structurally, everything remains unchanged. Most of the seats are filled today, although a lot of the familiar faces that once occupied them are no longer present.

But that was yesterday—a time we hold dear, and remember with respect.

Today, we must endeavour to dwell on the present, with renewed hope for the future

Your old men will dream dreams
Your young men will see visions
-Joel 2:28

Canon Jotie Noel delivered a most appropriate sermon directly from the revered pulpit, while the congregation joyfully sang along with the choir.

Since each summer now could be our last opportunity to continue this tradition, we thank Canon Jotie sincerely for making this year’s event extra special.           

Has this become obsolete by growing old?
Is it really ready to vanish away?
-Hebrews 8:13. (adapted)

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